
WS112: How to Raise Capital in Real Estate Syndication in David Thompson

Listen to the podcast here: Summary: David Thompson, CEO/Founder, Thompson Investing reveals some great TIPS that will help syndicators in their capital raising efforts. Is partnering with an experienced syndicator the best way to learn the ropes of the business? What are some effective ways of dealing with investor’s queries and assuaging their concerns? You […]

WS104: Expert Networking Tips for Finding and Building Relationships with Potential Investors with Jon Simcoe

Listen to the podcast here: Summary: Jon Simcoe, Professional Real Estate Investor, Lion Properties shares some excellent tools and resources which will help you find and develop sustainable and long lasting relationships with investors for your syndication business. Is it worthwhile for syndicators to organize and take part in meetups? What are some networking Tips […]

WS103: How to Syndicate Value Add Properties with Chris Grenzig

Listen to the podcast here: Summary: Chris Grenzig, Operations Manager at Toro Real Estate Partners reveals how a focused investing approach can help you syndicate value add deals that can generate handsome ROI’s with minimal risk for you and your investors. In this show, Chris shares how to select a suitable market to invest in. […]