A real estate dividend trust (REIT) adds both, a source of passive income, and exposure to the real estate market, to an investment portfolio. This makes it an excellent option for most investors. Read on for a closer look at multifamily REITs and what you need to know before investing. Life Bridge Capital is a...Read More
Today’s smorgasbord of real estate investment options make real estate accessible for every investor, regardless of their available time or budget. Read on to learn more about options for investing in real estate without buying a home. Life Bridge Capital is a leading real estate syndication company. We offer our investment partners the opportunity to...Read More
If you’ve been following my blog, you know I’m a believer in multifamily real estate investing. But I also know the first step is often the hardest, so read on for my advice in taking the plunge and getting started with multifamily real estate.Read More
Securing favorable financing is a critical step in multifamily investing, not only for purchase but also for maximum profit. Interest payments chisel away at would-be gains, and loan closing fees add to the bottom line. Fortunately, loans insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) provide a source of low-cost, low-interest, long-term loans for multifamily buyers....Read More
When considering multifamily investing, high-rise buildings or vast suburban apartment complexes may come to mind. However, small multifamily properties offer an accessible point of entry for investors and fill an essential niche in many communities.Read More
To maximize profits when real estate investing, investors must employ the concept of value investing. We often associate value investing with stocks as it maximizes earning potential from real estate projects through price appreciation rather than income production. Life Bridge Capital is a leading real estate syndication company. We offer our investment partners the opportunity...Read More
We turn to many professionals to optimize our financial health, and asset managers work to make the most of a real estate portfolio. Even if your portfolio isn’t large enough to warrant the cost of a professional asset manager, you can implement their essential strategies to improve the performance of your assets and overall portfolio....Read More
Making money in real estate requires more than just deep pockets and luck; knowledge and discipline are the fundamental foundations of a successful investment. Regardless of whether you are new to the world of real estate investment or already have a portfolio that needs improvement, avoid the most common mistakes addressed in this article for...Read More
Staying abreast of and planning for changing trends in multifamily housing gives investors a crucial boost in obtaining and retaining tenants and maximizing profit. A surplus of low-income renters, an aging population, and a geographic shift in demand create a chance for investors to rework portfolios to take advantage of the changing multifamily landscape. Let’s...Read More
Within the real estate world, housing targeted at those 55 and older remains a separate niche from the general market. Senior housing comes with its own regulations, market changes, and investment opportunities that reflect the needs of the second half of our lives. This article addresses all you need to know about investing in senior...Read More