Who Is Whitney Sewell?



Whitney Sewell is a seasoned real estate investor, entrepreneur, podcast host, and philanthropist. He is CEO and founder of Life Bridge Capital, which now boasts $150 million in assets under management, spread out over 900 doors. Whitney was able to scale his business at a groundbreaking pace – starting from nothing in 2017 to now consistently raising over $10 million in a few hours. His daily podcast, The Real Estate Syndication Show, has featured over 1000 experts in the field.


Whitney recently founded his new non-profit, The Life Bridge Foundation – the latest exciting development in his commitment to donate 50% of his profits to support orphans and their adoptive families. Its mission is to share the financial burden of adoption. Whitney and his wife Chelsea have 3 children by adoption and love spending their free time together in the great outdoors at their home in the country.


Real estate is an attractive asset class that has a long track record of outperforming the major stock indices


In contrast to other asset types, multifamily real estate generates consistent, predictable monthly income


Depreciation is a great tax write-off that keeps more of the income in your pocket


Purchasing properties below replacement-cost positions our portfolio well for future appreciation

Investor Reviews

  • “Our experience thus far with Life Bridge Capital has been pleasant and smooth.”

  • “Stratus Apartments is our first investment with Life Bridge and thus far it has met our expectations. We wish we had invested a larger sum. We look forward to the next opportunity with Life Bridge Capital.”

  • “We are very happy so far with the way everything has been handled. the professionalism, the way that we get current progress updates. They have always answered our questions very quickly. We would definitely recommend them to anyone that is looking for an investment opportunity.”

    Doug and Beverly
  • “It is an absolute pleasure doing business with Whitney and his team. Not only do I “know, like and trust” Whitney, but his commitment to giving back to those less fortunate is totally unmatched. It is an honor partnering with him in his business and his mission to give back.”

  • “Whitney and the team have been 100% professional, transparent and thus far operating per plan. So far I am pleased with my investment. I have a high degree of confidence with Life Bridge Capital.”

  • “We are very satisfied and happy we invested with Life Bridge Capital. The communication we have received is awesome! Ready for another deal!”

  • “My experience working with Whitney and Lifebridge Capital so far has been Great. They were very helpful in filling out the paperwork and have communicated well with me regarding the Corona-19 impact on vacancies. I look forward to a continuing relationship of buying more Apartments with Life Bridge Capital.”

  • “It’s been a great experience so far working with Whitney Sewell and the Life Bridge Capital team! The level of communication is the best I’ve seen with the investment groups I work with, and I’m pleased with the investment options and opportunities being presented. Keep up the good work!”


How It Works

As a leading real estate syndication company, Life Bridge Capital locates investment projects and presents them to our investor group. Individual investors have the opportunity to examine the deal and decide if they want to join in.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Unsure if real estate syndication is right for you? Here are some answers to the most common questions we receive. If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us for assistance.

Can anyone invest with Life Bridge Capital?

Yes, we work with accredited and non-accredited (or sophisticated) investors to invest in our multifamily opportunities. Click the link for Investopedia’s definition.

Is this risky?

Any investment carries risk. While we cannot guarantee anything, real estate—and in particular, multifamily real estate syndication—has proven to be among the safest investments available. Remember: rent keeps rising. Our process of uncovering devalued assets and turning them into desirable ones is a proven one. And we also invest right alongside our investors.

Why should I invest in multifamily real estate?

Multifamily housing has a variety of benefits for investors, including predictable returns, single-asset ownership, and significant tax savings. Real estate is very stable compared to the equities market. Workforce housing is undersupplied around the country with very little new stock in the development pipeline, and demand is increasing.

How have all your deals to date performed? Are you making distributions on all of them?

We are currently paying out the full preferred return on all LBC deals and have not missed a single dividend. You can explore our past projects on our Portfolio page.

How can I learn about future investment opportunities?

You can learn more about our future investment opportunities by signing up here as an investor. You will then be able to schedule a call with Whitney at your convenience to discuss how to move forward as an investor.

Whitney Sewell

The Real Estate
Syndication Show

The Real Estate Syndication Show is a 7-day-a-week podcast where Whitney Sewell, Life Bridge Capital founder, interviews the most successful entrepreneurs in the real estate syndication business. Joe Fairless, Vinney Chopra, and Michael Becker are some of the first to be interviewed. The show was created to help every active investor learn how the syndication business works, improve their business and help passive investors understand where to invest when wanting to diversify into real estate.

> 100k monthly downloads

> 800 podcast shows


In the media

On the Blog

Legacy Beyond the Election: Investing with Faith, Not Fear

As we approach another major election season, anticipation and speculation are at an all-time high. A new president will soon take office, and the balance of power in Congress could shift significantly. These political changes often bring volatility, especially in markets like multifamily housing and commercial real estate. Yet, while the markets may sway with...
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Upcoming Election’s Impact on Real Estate: What to Expect in Housing, Infrastructure, and Market Stability

It’s that time of year again… A big election is on the horizon, no matter who wins there will be a new President come January, and control of the House and Senate could shift. There is a lot of change no matter what. The outcome of the upcoming election cycle will play a crucial role...
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U.S. Apartment Demand Soars in 2nd Quarter

Demand for apartments in the U.S. surged in 2024, absorbing 390,000 units over the past year, highlighting robust market strength despite a high influx of new supply. Despite stabilized national occupancy rates at 94.2%, rental rate growth remained modest due to substantial new apartment construction, signaling a balanced market poised for potential growth as supply...
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Start Investing Today

If you think that real estate syndication may be right for you, contact us today to learn more about our current investment opportunities.

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