WS1894 Grow Your Business by Hiring Well | Sharad Mehta

In today’s episode, we’re continuing our conversation with Sharad Mehta, the CEO of Resimpli, as he shares his journey of scaling a business and using virtual assistants effectively worldwide. Starting Resimpli in 2017, Sharad emphasizes the importance of clear expectations, consistent feedback, and placing the right people in the right roles.

With a global team across the Philippines, Bangladesh, India, and the US, Sharad has built a cohesive virtual culture. Despite not meeting most team members in person, he values personal connections, evident in his upcoming international team meeting. Sharad’s hiring strategy focuses on character and work ethic, particularly in customer support roles, and he shares a clever tip for filtering candidates who pay attention to detail.

For managing remote teams, Sharad relies on tools like Slack, Hubstaff, and ClickUp. He offers a unique perspective on efficiency metrics, using them to prevent team burnout. Successful hiring platforms like and referrals from existing team members are key components of Sharad’s recruitment approach.

In summary, Sharad’s journey provides valuable insights into business scaling, effective remote team management, and strategic hiring practices. Tune in for practical advice on building and leading a successful business in today’s dynamic environment.

To connect with Sharad or learn more about Resimpli, you can reach him at [email protected] or

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About Sharad Mehta:

As the Founder and CEO of Resimpli, Sharad Mehta spearheads a cloud-based system dedicated to enhancing Real Estate Investment (REI) efficiency through task automation. Resimpli not only facilitates detailed Statements of Work (SOW) for rehab projects but also generates contracts with digital signature support and provides deal analysis tools, among other features. In addition to his pivotal role at Resimpli, Sharad serves as the CEO of Max Properties. Over the past decade, he has successfully completed 750+ deals, showcasing his dynamic leadership. Sharad’s enduring passion revolves around leveraging technology and data to streamline Real Estate processes, solidifying his position as an industry innovator.

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