WS1962 Entity Formation, Asset protection, and Estate planning for the Syndicator | Mauricio Rauld

In this episode of The Real Estate Syndication Show, host Whitney Sewell welcomes guest Mauricio Rauld for another insightful discussion. This time, they delve into essential topics for syndicators, including entity formation, asset protection, and estate planning.

Tailored for real estate operators and syndicators, this episode sheds light on common pitfalls in business structuring.

Key insights include:

  • Grasping the complexities of LLCs and investor categorization: It’s crucial to understand the various LLC structures and the significance of establishing distinct classes for investors. Doing so clarifies ownership and voting rights for each group.
  • Clarifying roles between manager and owner: Recognizing the key difference between the entity overseeing daily operations and the one holding carried interest is fundamental. Such clarity is essential for asset protection and reducing legal risks.
  • Crafting a robust estate plan: Mauricio emphasizes the importance of a solid estate plan. This plan not only secures your personal assets but also ensures the longevity of your syndication business. He provides actionable advice to keep your business and investors safe under any circumstances.

Elevate your real estate syndication with the necessary legal insights to navigate complexities and safeguard your venture. Mauricio Rauld’s book, “Legal Strategies for Everyone: The Complete Guide to Covering Your Assets, Maximizing Wealth, and Protecting Your Family”, is an invaluable resource.

Remember, excelling in real estate syndication extends beyond property acquisition. Prioritizing effective management and preemptive protection is key.

Thank you for tuning into The Real Estate Syndication Show! Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share this episode with peers and fellow syndicators. Let’s enhance our knowledge and make informed decisions in the real estate sector together.

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About Mauricio Rauld:

Mauricio Rauld, the founder of Premier Law Group, boasts an extensive background in the legal field, having previously held the position of general counsel for The Real Estate Guys Radio Show. With over 22 years of experience in securities, Rauld has garnered recognition for his legal acumen, evidenced by his feature in Top 100 Magazine as a Top 100 Attorney. His professional portfolio is distinguished by his representation of numerous prominent real estate syndicators, including the well-known Brandon Turner, showcasing his expertise and influence in the real estate sector.


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