Master Prioritization: Unlock Your Business Growth

In this episode, Whitney Sewell reveals how prioritization and time management can supercharge your real estate investment strategy. He explores Stephen Covey’s “Putting First Things First” and offers actionable tips to help you concentrate on what truly matters.

Here are some key takeaways from this episode:

  • Prioritize tasks by urgency and importance for peak productivity
  • Set aside time for strategic work that drives long-term success
  • Use delegation and outsourcing to focus on high-value tasks

Tune in to learn how to boost efficiency and propel your real estate business to new heights with Whitney Sewell’s expert insights. Don’t miss out on these transformative strategies that can make all the difference in your success.


00:09 Introduction to this episode

02:33 What does “Put First Things First” mean?

04:35 Understanding Stephen Covey’s Habit 3

05:08 Time management matrix and its application

10:22 Time blocking for different activities

13:41 Effective delegation and outsourcing

17:40 Consistent weekly planning routine

21:23 Wrapping up

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