WS268: Scaling Your Syndication Business Through Marketing with John Casmon

RES 268 | Scaling Business Through Marketing

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One of the keys to success in real estate is communication; that is, getting your brand and message across through marketing. Marketing expert John Casmon of Casmon Capital Group dives into his expertise and talks about how he got started in real estate, specifically focusing on syndication. John has a background in marketing and has overseen campaigns for General Motors, Nike, and Coors Light. With his expertise in marketing and branding, he shows us how we can grow and scale our real estate business. As social media has become an explosive marketing platform in the past couple of years, he shares how you can use these different platforms, what kind of ads you should post on them, and how to find your target audience. He also stresses the importance of building relationships with clients online and offline through apps and meetups. Learn how John has been able to do all these and bring his brand to a whole new level in this informative discussion.

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Scaling Your Syndication Business Through Marketing with John Casmon

Our guest is John Casmon. Thanks for being on the show, John.

Whitney, thank you for having me on.

I’m honored to have you on the show. I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about John. We briefly got to meet a couple of times at a couple of events. I’m thankful for this opportunity and to get to catch up with him. He’s a real estate entrepreneur who controls a portfolio of over 700 units as a general partner. He started by house hacking a duplex and now partners with investors to purchase apartment buildings through his firm, Casmon Capital Group. He’s the cocreator of the Midwest Real Estate Networking Summit, which you probably heard of. It’s a no pitch event to connect like-minded investors. He hosts a weekly real estate podcast, Target Market Insights, where he covers the best-emerging marketing tips and investing insights. He has a background in marketing and he has overseen campaigns for General Motors, Nike and Coors Light. He was even recognized by Black Enterprise Magazine as one of the top executives in advertising and marketing. In case the audience hadn’t heard of you. Give them a little more about what’s your focus is in real estate and let’s dive into your expertise.

First of all, thank you again for having me on the show. One of the big things is understanding how people get into the syndication space. As many of your guests, we are a multifamily syndicator. Unlike many of your guests, we didn’t necessarily intend to do that starting out. I started off house hacking. I have a background in marketing. As we continue to grow our own personal portfolio, one of the things that happened was we started to run out of our own money. We had a lot of people who were watching us have success in investing. They would express an interest in doing the same thing or wanting to learn more. As we started talking to them more and more about it, we realized that they didn’t necessarily want to do all the steps that were involved in starting building their own personal portfolios. At some point, it dawned on us that maybe we can help these individuals by partnering with them and doing these deals together. At that point, we started to learn more and more about multifamily working with other people in investing and raising capital. That led us down the path of syndication, which is what we’re focusing on.

Do you remember where you heard syndication for the first time? Because I’m similar, I had small multifamily. I’d never heard of this thing called syndication until all of a sudden it’s like, “I’ve got to learn about this.”

[bctt tweet=”Marketing is a strong component that can help you elevate your business and rise above the rest.” username=””]

It must have been on a podcast or something like that. It was a thing where I was like, “What is this thing?” It still feels like a myth. It didn’t feel like a real thing. What helped me was to stop thinking about it as this massive thing that was unattainable and to chop it down and say, “If you partner with other people, let’s say we knew you might have $100,000. I’ve got $100,000 and another person has $100,000. Individually, we can go out and find $300,000 to $400,000 properties. What if we pulled those dollars together? Instead of the three of us having a small little multis, we can go and get something a little bit bigger and then we do that on a larger scale.” That is what clicked for me. I had someone sit down and talk to me about it.

At that point, it clicked and crystallize that there’s strength in numbers. There is power in working together. This is a team sport and this is how people are getting deals done. That opened up my eyes and said, “Why am I fighting everybody in this room?” You go to a meetup and you’re in some ways competing with a lot of those people on a two-unit or a three-unit deal. Instead, if you got everybody together and you pulled the same money you were planning on using to buy a three-unit and you buy a 150-unit, now it’s a more efficient place, more professional, you get the economies of scale. That changed the game for me and we went down that path and haven’t looked back since.

Let’s talk about how you’re using your expertise to grow and get into this business. I know a lot of our audience is going to learn a lot about your expertise. That’s marketing and branding. I know they’re interested in that too so they can grow their business as you have.

Syndication is a great thing but it also is challenging. You can start to do everything you can to learn. This is a great podcast. You’re going to learn a whole lot of stuff listening to all of Whitney’s episodes, but it’s hard to go out and execute every single component by yourself. When you start to break it down into what the components are and what you do well, what I realized is I have a background in marketing and I needed to lean into them, understanding how to grow and understanding how to market. There’s a difference between marketing, branding and all those different things. What we wanted to do is start to understand how I lean into that expertise more.

What I focus on is the marketing aspect, helping to identify opportunities that open to put together marketing plans, and then driving our branding to help connect with other investors. Ultimately, all we’re trying to do is identifying a deal and then pairing the deal with the capital for investors who are looking to invest. Marketing is a strong piece of that. I want to talk a little bit about how your syndicators and audience can use marketing to drive themselves. Whether you’re a passive investor, an active investor or an active syndicator, marketing is a strong component that can help you elevate your business and rise above the rest.

RES 268 | Scaling Business Through Marketing
Scaling Business Through Marketing: Syndication is a great thing but it also is challenging.

I heard a guy say that if you’re a syndicator and you’re on the capital raising side, you’re more of a marketer than you are anything else. Even a real estate investor, you are a real estate investor but marketing is such a big component of what we’re doing. The social media has exploded in many ways and that’s the way we connect with many new people. You have to be good at marketing too. Let’s hear it. I want you to tell us how to do it.

There are a lot of things. One thing that I had to learn is there’s a difference between sales and marketing. From a marketing standpoint, one of the things that we were doing was I would put out content and I would wait for the investors to flock to me. It wasn’t necessarily happening that way. There’s a balance in what you can do for marketing and that takes time to build it up. Ultimately, marketing is about attracting people to you. Sales are a little bit more prospecting where you’re going to be more actively reaching out to people. If you look at social media, you can certainly do marketing on social media. A lot of people do it and a lot of people do it great. That is posting content and letting people know what you’re working on, sharing your podcast episodes, writing blogs and sharing those blogs. Those are all great marketing tactics that you can use.

One of the things that you’d want to do is find ways to connect the right contents to the right people at the right time. What’s missing? How do you leverage certain platforms better than others? If you’re going to be on Instagram, it is very visual. You want to engage people with beautiful imagery. You want to have great copy and you want to be consistent. Facebook is more family and friends. It’s a little bit more casual. You want to engage people a little bit more and you want to tag people. LinkedIn is very professional. LinkedIn is where the professionals are looking to network and connect with people. You want to find ways to share relevant information and content to be worth their time.

You want to take advantage of each platform to the best of its capability. What I also realized was on the sales side of things though, those platforms, their prospecting is as important. That’s less about what everyone sees and more about how you use private messaging. How do you identify these people? How do you reach out to them in private messaging? How do you start to connect with them? How do you start to bring them into your sales funnel by getting them onto your email list? Ultimately, you want to drive your email lists so you can communicate with these people in the future when you have a deal, when you have an opportunity, to stay on top of mind.

That’s all we’re trying to do is stay top of mind so when there is an opportunity, if you are ready to invest, if you see a deal that interests you, that deal is there and there’s an opportunity for you to come to join our team. You want to use marketing for all of those things. The next piece is if you’re starting out and you don’t have something specific to say or maybe you’re not comfortable or confident to start writing blogs or launch a podcast, then the next important thing you can do is leverage other people. Leverage their influence, leverage their expertise, and use that to grow your brand.

[bctt tweet=”Leverage other people’s influence and their expertise and use that to grow your brand.” username=””]

Before we get into leveraging other people’s brand, tell me where do you spend more time or how do you manage your time between the marketing side and the sales side?

I’m a marketer by nature. I love marketing and I can do marketing all day long. I have to train myself to spend more time on the outreach on the sales side. It’s more natural to do the marketing for me but the sales side of it is important. I split my time where about 70% is marketing and then about 30% probably as on the sales side where we’re reaching out to people. For me, reaching out, you need to have something to say. You need to have something to reach out to them. It’s great to have a piece of content if you know someone is looking for something you can reach out. The other thing with marketing is you can start to attract people to you. Once you do that and once people start sending you friend requests or sending you LinkedIn connections, part of what you could do is ask them like, “Thanks for reaching out. What inspired you to connect with me? What was it about my resume or bio that piqued your interest?” You can understand are they someone who’s looking to invest or are they somebody who is getting started? What exactly are they trying to do? You can build from there.

Part of what you want to do is focus on getting to know people. It’s about getting to know someone. I know Dan was on your show not that long ago and he talked about that triad of knowing, liking, and trusting. That’s important. You want to make sure you take the time to know somebody. Are they fit for you? Do they like you and do they trust you? You want to take the time to get to know them. You want to take all of those things and the marketing allows you to do a lot of that heavy lifting while you sleep or doing something else. They can always come to your website, listen to your podcast or check out your blog. They can do a lot of that stuff while you’re not present. By the time they reach out and they are ready to talk to you, they’ve already gotten to know you a little bit.

I liked that a lot. It does take a few interactions and focusing on getting to know people. It’s not just this quick, “I got your email, I’m going to send you a deal,” top mentality. I see it all the time. I get deals from people often that I’m like, “I have no idea who you are. I wonder how you got my email.” There’s no relationship. I’ve no idea who they are. The relationship is so important. I will say, “I’m not ready to do the podcast. I’m not ready to do some big platform like that.” You mentioned leveraging other people’s brand. That’s going to help the majority of the audience. To elaborate on that, let’s dive into what you mean by that.

There are a couple of ways. It depends on what you ultimately want to achieve. When you look at what brands do, you think about some of the major soft drink brands or any major marketer. A lot of times they will have sponsorships, they will have celebrity endorsements or they will have other things where they’re running their ads on. The reason they do this is that they know a consumer likes celebrity X, they love sports or they love whatever. They want their product to be affiliated with that. The theory is if you like X and we are close to X, then you will like us as well. It starts to rub off on you and it’s the same thing. That’s the reason why these brands spend a ton of money on these celebrity endorsements, the Beyoncés, the whoever you want to talk about in the world, the Taylor Swifts. The reason they get paid a lot of money for these brand commercials or these brand partnerships is that the brands know that consumers see that celebrity. Even though they know it’s paid, if the consumers see that celebrity with their brand, consumers will have a better feeling about their brand.

RES 268 | Scaling Business Through Marketing
Scaling Business Through Marketing: Part of what you want to do is focus on getting to know people. It’s about getting to know someone.

That is the notion of influencers. Think about social media influencers, people who have built their following, built the reputation off of drawing an audience. It’s the same thing. It’s about leveraging influence. If you don’t want to go that far, you don’t have to, but it depends on what you’re trying to accomplish. For us, when it comes to raising capital, if that’s something that you’re doing for a deal, part of what you have to do is, “What are the barriers that people are going to have?” If you don’t have the experience, then what you have to do is you have to leverage someone who does have that experience. That can be a mentor, that could be a property management company, or that could be another syndicator and you can partner with them. The other thing you can do, which you do it with your podcast, I do it with my podcast, I do it with meetups, I do it with conferences is I’m a big proponent of creating value in sharing all of that knowledge at any moment in time.

When you do these different events, you do the podcast and you’re creating value. Every time I have a conversation with someone, there’s a share of value. Whitney, by you allowing me to come on your show, there’s a little bit of exchange of value. We add credibility to each other in the show. You do a daily podcast, everyone who comes on your show, there’s a little bit of an exchange of credibility. Your credibility increases dramatically with every single interview that you do. If you host a meetup, it’s the same thing. If you do a conference, it’s the same thing. It is about leveraging the influence of others because at some point if you’re able to convince 250 people to come on your podcast and speak to you, you have to be good enough to convince 250 people at least to come on your show.

That doesn’t mean that you are the end all syndicator of all things, but there is a basic level of knowledge that is assumed to be true because you have a track record of showing how many guests have come on the podcast. It’s reasonably assumable that you know a thing or two about multifamily syndication simply based on hosting a podcast that has attracted over 250 guests. That’s where the influence comes into play. You get to take that now and you learn, you build and you grow off of that. That’s a great way to build brands. By the way, this is not limited to multifamily. This is how big brands do it all day long. This is why Sprite has to deal with LeBron James. I don’t care how established you are, you’re always trying to stay relevant. You’re always trying to stay current. That’s why the big operators still go out and they do post on BiggerPockets or they stay relevant or they’re still pushing out their content. It is necessary to stay relevant and continue to draw that influence because otherwise, there might be other options. You start to see what happens when people walk away from your brand.

Leveraging other people’s brand and then doing a podcast. Even if you’re doing a blog, you can interview people. It doesn’t have to be something as big as a podcast. There are other options. Are there other options that maybe we haven’t thought of or even ways to have developed your brand like that? If you’re not into writing and you do not want to do a podcast or a meetup, are there any other ways you’ve seen people do that to increase their brand?

Absolutely, part of it is the prospecting. It’s a one-on-one thing. You don’t necessarily need to reach the hundreds or thousands of people. Maybe you have a cousin or maybe you have an uncle that you want to talk to. When you go talk to your uncle, it’s better to have something that you can show them, “I’m partnering with this guy, I’ve done this deal or I’ve invested with this guy.” You’re still leveraging that other person or you’re leveraging good property managers. Let’s assume you don’t want to do any marketing, but you have a deal and you’re going to hire a third-party property management company. One question I was going to have is what their experience is?

[bctt tweet=”To be able to reach out to people, you need to have something to say.” username=””]

You’re leveraging their experience. You’re leveraging what they’ve done. If you’re getting a loan from the bank, if you’re getting a Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac loan, they have to underwrite it. If they underwrote the deal and they think it’s a good deal and they’re willing to give you 70% to 80% of the loan to do the deal, that’s another way that you can leverage. Ultimately, leveraging is all about the influence of other people and the other stakeholders and what they say. In anything that you’re doing, there are going to be other people that are going to provide an opinion. That’s going to make people feel either more comfortable or less comfortable with the deal that you’re trying to do.

To have an event as you had, you’ve had to be able to develop a good personal brand and attract that many people. What’s been maybe the top couple of things that you did to develop your brand to that point? To be able to attract people to travel and to come to an event, that’s a big deal. How did you develop your brand to that level? Maybe a couple of key things that worked for you?

One thing has some key principles. For me, it’s always about providing maximum value. We don’t do a sales pitch. It’s a no sales pitch event. I don’t sell anything at our events and I try to make sure it’s focused on the education piece and networking. We intentionally called it a networking event because there are a lot of ways that you can learn, but this business is all about your network. If you want to grow, you have to have the right people in your corner and your Rolodex, if anybody still has Rolodex, but at least your contact list that you can call on given anything. Part of it has the right brand proposition.

We’re about education and we’re about helping other people along the way. No matter where you’re at in your journey, we’re happy to help you go from wherever you are to the next step to get to where you’re trying to get to. That’s the first part of it and then delivering. Whenever you get an opportunity to deliver, deliver it to the best of your ability. Sometimes you may not be able to do everything as you had hoped but you do your best. You follow up, you stay consistent, and you communicate. Be a person who’s easy to work with. That’s something that I try to pride myself on is thinking about how do I make life easy for the other person? How do we create a win-win scenario for everybody? How do we make this situation work? It’s trying to be a person who thinks of others and builds the connections that people are looking for.

You’re obviously doing that. I’d like to hammer on the marketing piece a little bit more. Your expertise and I’d love to get a few tips for helping grow our brand on the marketing side and whether social media or not, but some key things that we can start doing to increase our brand.

RES 268 | Scaling Business Through Marketing
Scaling Business Through Marketing: Developing a good personal brand is always about providing maximum value.

Depending on where you’re at in the journey, the first thing you want to do is if you are a syndicator, if you’re going to be somebody who’s putting deals together and trying to bring investors together, you have to have your email list. Who are you going to reach out to when you have a deal? I started with MailChimp and what I realized is I’d meet a whole lot of people. I wouldn’t necessarily have the details or I wouldn’t remember where I met people from. I created a whole CRM system. Pipedrive is a system I use. There are a lot of different CRM systems. Start with your email list. That’s where you want to focus. You want to have a CRM system that helps you to identify and stay connected with these individuals and follow up.

That’s the sales plus marketing. You had these people but when have you talked to them last? It’s great to send them a monthly newsletter or weekly newsletter. Make sure you’re communicating with these individuals frequently as you can. Start there and then think about how do you provide value. Always look to provide value. Just because it’s important to you, it does not mean it’s important to them. It’s great and I love pushing out my podcast. Everybody doesn’t want to hear about my podcast necessarily. Probably same to you even though they should. What we have to do is think as they would think. If you’re talking to a busy professional, what information are they looking for? I have one of my investors tell me the other day that, “John, that’s great but what I am focused on is my daughter in college. When you talk to me about how investments are going to help me send my daughter to college, that inspires me, not you telling me about the 8% pref return.” I’m like, “I got it. That makes sense.” We have to make sure we’re thinking about that user or that consumer, our partners, our investors. What are they looking for? It’s thinking about it from their lens. That’s the other thing that we can do.

I would say on social, keep it simple. Figure out what it is you like and do that. You don’t have to try to be on all platforms at all times that you’re not ready for that. If there’s a platform you like, find ways to reach out to people. If you’re looking to grow your investor database, you don’t have to come up with some crazy blog, but you can take five people. Reach out to five people through their inbox. Even if you haven’t talked to them forever, just say, “Jimmy, I was thinking about you. I’m investing in these real estate deals and I’m looking to talk to some other folks who might have an interest. I’m not sure if you’re interested but maybe you know someone who is. Do you have five minutes? I will love to hop on a quick call.” You can do things like that to start the process. That’s not a huge blog post. That’s not something that the world’s going to see. If Jimmy doesn’t respond, it’s okay. You reach out to the four other people and maybe two or three of them will reach out and now you have a chance to talk to them one-on-one. Those are the different things you can do to start growing your investor database and start nurturing those relationships.

You gave us a template of almost the whole thing right there that we can start using to reach out to people that are already on our list. Pipedrive is something I haven’t used before. As far as the CRM, how often are you connecting with your investor lists or what’s the frequency? I know you’re trying to cater it to what they want. It can be difficult to keep on top of tracking those little details. I find that it’s important that when they say something about their kids, I try to document it. If they’ve got a two and a four-year-old, I want to bring that up the next time. I want to talk about that if it’s important to them. How are you tracking that and how often are you communicating?

There are a couple of things. That’s a great question by the way, on the kids. Ultimately, this is about getting to know people. If you’re not interested in getting to know them, then it may be a more painful thing or you may feel a little dirty doing it but you should be genuinely interested in it. If not, then maybe you should think of other avenues of investing or maybe people in underwriting or something else. If you’re a people person, you do want to get to know them because you’re entering into a long-term relationship with these people doing these deals. These are not three-month flips. These are multi-year deals. You definitely want to get to know them, understand what’s happening in their lives and the different factors that may impact their investing decisions. As far as how often we reach out to people, we do a couple of things. We have the monthly newsletter that we do. I have different lists by the way. I segment my list. I have people who have expressed an interest in investing.

[bctt tweet=”It’s necessary to stay relevant and continue to draw that influence because there are always other options out there for people.” username=””]

That’s my targeted list and I reach out to those individuals more frequently when I have a deal. Everyone gets the email but I follow up with them. I will reach out and I will prescreen and say, “I’m looking at this deal. Here’s the general context. You mentioned that you’d have an interest in doing something like this. Would you like to see the investor memorandum?” I will reach out to those individuals for those deals where I will give them an update, “We’re still looking or we have something coming down the pipeline.” I will do that probably every few weeks. They’re going to get a monthly email from me. I will probably reach out maybe one other time a month. At least twice a month they’re getting some correspondence from me. If there is something I know that’s hot and they fit the criteria, then I will do a text or a phone call or something specific. I try to reach out quarterly to everybody as well. If I haven’t talked to them live, I will try to reach out maybe quarterly. That could be a quick email. That could be a text. That could be a phone call. I will start off that because we host our monthly meetup.

I see a lot of people at the meetup. We reach out to everyone else who’s on the list of the database so they get the monthly newsletter and that’s it. Everyone, when we get deals or we have moments where we close on a deal, then you start to see more people will engage. I also take a look at who are engaging with us. If I send out a newsletter, who’s opening the newsletter? Who’s not opening the newsletter? Who hasn’t opened a newsletter in a few months? At that point, I may reach out to those people and say, “Jimmy, I just want to see if you’re still interested in receiving these. We’re working on X, Y, Z and I know that you’re busy. I don’t want to keep clogging your inbox. If you’re not interested, let me know.” Jimmy would say, “No, keep me on here. I haven’t seen it. I haven’t gotten your email.”

It’s a great way to keep your list fresh and clean because your CRM systems like to make sure. If it looks like spam, they will treat it as spam. If people aren’t opening your email, then fewer people will start getting your email, even the people who are opening your email, if that makes any sense. You want to clean those up as well. We’re just going through that. We try to make sure we’re reaching out to them frequently, staying top of mind and making sure when we do have deals, they’re ready and they’re primed when we’re reaching out with any information there.

That’s some great advice right there. I haven’t heard anybody say that yet, looking at your CRM and seeing who hasn’t opened it. It gives you a good reason to reach out. You’re following up. You’re making sure that they’re receiving them. It gives you an opportunity to have another conversation and build that relationship. You don’t have to do it via email either. If you know them on Facebook, you can reach out on Facebook. It gives you a reason to connect. You can figure out where the opening is and engage in and take it from there. There are a lot of ways to nurture that database. What’s been the hardest part of the syndication business or process for you?

The hardest part for me was trying to do it all myself. One of the biggest lessons I learned was this is a team sport and trying to find the deal, underwrite the deal, get the deal under contract, operate the deal. Doing all of that yourself is very difficult, especially raising the money by yourself and all of those things. It’s like hurting cats. If you’re trying to do it all because you’re competing with people who have teams. When you’re going after some of these larger deals, in particular, you’re competing with teams that can move very efficiently. They can underwrite deals quickly. They can get their LOIs out there. You need to move very quickly. Changing the mindset from something where you do it yourself to take you more of a team approach and being able to say, “What’s my role on the team? What is my best value on this team? How do we execute from that standpoint?” That’s been the most difficult piece. Once you’ve made that adjustment, opportunities do not present themselves because I’m more open-minded. I wasn’t just looking for one specific thing that I was doing everything myself. We now have opened ourselves up to say, “How do I add value to other people?”

RES 268 | Scaling Business Through Marketing
Scaling Business Through Marketing: When you get more deals, you will start to notice that more people will engage.

I was going to say it’s as much mindset shift as anything being willing to partner with other people, not feeling like you’re going to keep all this to yourself. It opens up many other opportunities that you didn’t even know were there. John, what’s a way that you’ve improved your business that we can apply to ours?

I had an assistant. I had a VA and I swapped out for another assistant. She’s amazing and it helps. What I would say is if you have someone on your team or a task that you’re doing and you realize that it’s a drag or toting your business up, make a move. Sometimes, especially as entrepreneurs, we’re looking at the money, we’re looking at the investment and all those things. It’s about building something long-term. By getting the right people in the right jobs, you’re going to be able to grow much quicker than if you’re trying to do everything yourself. Doing that gave me someone else to talk more strategy with and bouncing high-level ideas with on what’s missing.

We are starting to track analytics, looking at website traffic, looking at our podcast downloads, looking at our then attendance and looking at all of those things. We’re getting feedback from the people who are consuming this content and understanding what’s missing. What are you not getting? What would have made you stay longer? What would have made you listen to more episodes? Thinking about how to grow and drive your business that way. Bringing on someone else who is good to do the job that you’re looking for, but also has the ability to help you ideate and think strategically. That’s been a huge bonus for us and we’re starting to see some dividends in our business.

Did you use a VA company or did you hire somebody through something like Upwork or find somebody local?

I started with a VA company and I went with someone who is not local to me, but here in the US. That’s been a great change for us.

[bctt tweet=”Treat your investor’s money better than your own.” username=””]

What’s your best advice for taking care of investors?

The biggest thing is you have to treat their money better than your own money, not even your own money. I hate losing money. I’ve lost money before and it’s not fun. I promise you that. It’s one thing for me to lose my money. It’s a completely other thing and it’s not an option to lose an investor’s money. You have to enter into every deal with that mindset. How can you lose your investors’ money? What can you do to mitigate those risks? What’s the rehab? Who’s the team involved? What’s the loan? All of those different factors that you need to look into and make sure you’re a great steward of their money. That’s ultimately what we’re trying to do because these individuals are working very hard with their day job, their sacrifice and time away from their families to make this money.

They’re entrusting you to help grow and protect that money. It’s a big obligation. Ultimately, we have to treat it as such and look at every deal with that mindset. What can go wrong? How do we fix it? One beauty of multifamily is we know that if you have a cashflowing asset and you have a loan where the loan is not due, you should be able to weather storms or any changes in any market cycle. That’s one of the reasons I love multifamily syndication as opposed to flipping or new construction or things like that. That’s one way we like to do it but also, we’re trying to reduce risks. We can reduce the risk and still find ways to grow and protect capital. That’s ultimately what we’re looking at in every single deal.

What’s the number one thing that’s contributed to your success?

Resiliency, being able to try something and know that it works for other people, but maybe it’s not working for me and continuing to figure out what am I doing wrong? What are they doing? Talking to people, being open-minded, talking with other people, learning. That resiliency is important. You’ve got to be able to take a punch in this business. If you can get back up and not quit, that is the biggest piece. If you talk to very successful syndicators, almost all of them have failed somewhere in real estate, whether it was early on in their career, maybe they underwrote a deal wrong or whatever. Those who are resilient are the ones who are going to stand up at the end.

RES 268 | Scaling Business Through Marketing
Scaling Business Through Marketing: Most of us can invest in real estate and use that as a means to grow our family’s income and wealth.

John, tell our audience how you’d like to give back.

There are a couple of things. One of the things that I’m big on is helping to close the wealth gap. In particular, I’m part of an organization called Surge for Water. It’s about ending the cycle of poverty in some of our foreign countries by and through sustainable water solutions. That’s one organization that I’m very happy with. One of the reasons I love doing syndication is it’s also about how we create wealth and close the wealth gap for a lot of minority investors and a lot of minority families because real estate is that great equalizer. Most of us are not going to become these crazy rich entertainers.

Most of us are probably going to be the next Steve Jobs. We’re not going to create the next great app, but most of us can invest in real estate and use that as a means to grow our family’s income, grow our wealth, and find ways to create a legacy. Teaching other folks about what we’re doing and telling them about how they can invest in real estate is one of the ways we’re looking to help other people continue to grow. Anything we can do looking at money and how to use the money for good to help with things that you care about. That’s something that we’re passionate about educating other people around.

John, thank you for sharing that and I appreciate your time. I’m so grateful for you being on the show. You shared a lot of valuable tips with me and I know the audience as well. Tell them how they can get in touch with you and learn more about you. Share a little about your conference and where they can learn about that as well.

You can check me out at Target Market Insights. That’s our podcast. Whitney is going to be on an upcoming episode. Check me out at and then the conference, the Midwest Real Estate Networking Summit. We hold our second annual event. We’re already in plans for year number three, but if you go to, we will have information there. We have videos from the 2019 event. We have a ton of great speakers from Neal Bawa, Kathy Fettke, Matt Faircloth, Ivan Barratt. We had a lot of great speakers at the event, over 30 speakers sharing their best tips and secrets. If you want to check out the videos from that event, you can go to that website. You can also email me at [email protected]. Shoot me an email and I would love to talk to you.

Thank you so much, John. Thanks for sharing that. I’m making way for people to personally get in touch with you and learn about your awesome conference. All those speakers had been on the show so I know it was great. I appreciate the audience being with us every day. I hope you will come back and share the show. Go to our Facebook group, The Real Estate Syndication Show. You can go to Life Bridge Capital and connect with me. I’m happy to help you in any way I can. We will talk to each of you soon.

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About John Casmon

RES 268 | Scaling Business Through MarketingJohn Casmon is a real estate entrepreneur, who controls a portfolio of over 700 units as a general partner. He started by the house- hacking a duplex and now partners with investors to purchase apartment buildings through his firm, Casmon Capital Group. He is the co-creator of the Midwest Real Estate Networking Summit, a no pitch event to connect like-minded investors. 

John also hosts the weekly real estate podcast, Target Market Insights, where he speaks with specialists across the country to uncover the best-emerging markets, marketing tips and investing insights. 

With a background in marketing, he has overseen campaigns for General Motors, Nike and Coors Light amongst others. John was even recognized by Black Enterprise Magazine as one of the “Top Executives in Advertising and Marketing”.

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