
Whitney Sewell
Our guest for this episode, Thomas Tsitouridis, strongly believes in streamlining everything to achieve more in the quickest way possible. He practices a three-stage process which he calls eliminate, automate, and delegate because for him, time is our most valuable asset. Watch the episode here: Listen to the podcast here: Thomas likes to be in...
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Royce King is a sought-after marketing strategist in real estate. Being a real estate investor herself, she knows what it takes to market yourself effectively in this line of business. She gives us tips on how to improve your presence online and connect to your market that will generate leads. Watch the episode here: Listen...
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Are you thinking about investing in real estate funds? Our guest, Lisa Hylton, shares with us today her knowledge about funds which she acquired while working as a controller on private equity real estate funds a few years back. Now, Lisa has invested in 2 syndications as a limited partner totaling 850 units and one...
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Bridge lending is just one arrow in a quiver of lending options as George Kruse puts it. There are a lot of components to look at and there are different scenarios where a bridge makes more sense than other options. However, bridge lending may not always work for everybody. Watch the episode here: Listen to...
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This #TechandTacticsTuesday, let’s have a listen to a former Green Beret now a successful real estate investor and syndicator. Michael Glaspie served for ten years in the military and his experiences have greatly influenced his business approach and helped him to scale fast. He focuses on creative solutions and constantly thinks of ways on how...
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Within the real estate world, housing targeted at those 55 and older remains a separate niche from the general market. Senior housing comes with its own regulations, market changes, and investment opportunities that reflect the needs of the second half of our lives. This article addresses all you need to know about investing in senior...
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Achieving accredited investor status opens doors for building wealth. Formerly, only investors with high net worth and incomes could meet the requirements. However, recent SEC rule changes create avenues to accreditation for investors with experience, even if they have not yet made their fortune. Read on to learn about the new SEC accredited investor rules...
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It’s every entrepreneur’s goal to scale fast. Whether as an investor or an operator, our aim is to speed up our growth. But how do you prepare for that? What are you doing to hedge against the risks of exponential growth? Our Gracious Sponsor Wondering how to build trust between you and your investors? The...
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Every entrepreneur must understand that a business goes through a cycle. And, part of that cycle is a possible downturn. That is why every entrepreneur needs to prepare for one. In recent history, we can look back at the 2008 financial crisis and the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic last year which until now has...
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Our guests for today were doing great in their corporate W2 jobs when they decided to try out the real estate business. They both wanted a more flexible lifestyle where they can level up their success and inspire and coach others to do the same. They took the leap of faith, left corporate America, started...
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