
Whitney Sewell
Trust is important in doing business such as real estate as you will have to deal with a lot of people – brokers, operators, sponsors, etc. It is important to find people in businesses that are trustworthy, especially when you are investing money in the deals. In this episode, we pick the brain of Lance...
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Investors rarely want to consider an asset declining in value, but the depreciation of real estate serves as a notable exception to that rule. Depreciation of multi-family properties actually provides a tax advantage to owners and is one of the greatest perks of investing in commercial real estate. Here’s what you need to know about...
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Utilizing technology in real estate can help both operators and tenants in a big way. It can also add value to a property. In today’s episode, we speak to Kent Ritter, managing director of the property management firm, Birge & Held Asset Management. Kent shares with us the technology they use to add value to...
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To date, The Real Estate Syndication Show has produced over 1,000 podcasts. Every day, our team works together to produce the best daily podcast that we hope will add value to you as a real estate investor. A Guide to Passively Investing in Commercial Real Estate Get your free copy of “A Guide to Passively...
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Raising capital is a crucial step in syndication and it is not as easy as it sounds. For a Canada-based real estate investor, he had to go through several rejections before he finally discovered the right formula to raise capital without rejection. Today, we pick the brain of Dave Dubeau and he tells us how...
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If you are looking for a way to invest in multifamily but don’t have a big capital to do so, investing in smaller multifamily units may be a good option. In this episode, we speak to real estate investor Alex Babayev and he talks about his business model of investing in smaller multifamily units, flipping...
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Securing your property with insurance is an important part of due diligence. Although the common practice is that acquiring insurance is left to the final stages, it is still in the investors’ best interests to secure one early on. In this episode of Highlights, we look back at our conversations with insurance broker J Darrin...
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The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations says the Covid-19 pandemic is impacting global food systems, disrupting regional agricultural value chains, and posing risks to household food security. That is why investing in agriculture is important not only as a business but as a way to help ensure there is enough food for...
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Multifamily Investing Is A Team Sport With Cameron Roy
When you invest in multifamily, you may do it on your own. But, for most people, it is a lot easier to partner up or even find a team to make your goal achievable. Today, we speak to real estate investor Cameron Roy and he tells us, multifamily for him is a team sport. Our...
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How Technology Is Impacting Multifamily With Michael Parks
Technology is simply defined as the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. It is helping many industries to cope with the demand of time and that includes real estate. Now, properties such as multifamily or apartment buildings need to use technology for security, leisure, and more. Some examples are the use of WiFi, applications...
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