
If you have not considered tapping a self-directed IRA and 401(k) in investing in multifamily syndication, then you better listen to this episode to learn how you can do that and start earning. In this episode, Josh McCallen speaks with Mat Sorensen who is an attorney, podcast host, entrepreneur, and author of the best-selling book,...
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Local residents can definitely help you find the best properties you’re looking for in a certain area. In today’s episode, Pete teaches us how to be successful in the niche of land flipping and what exactly is his business model and the system he uses in his business that helped him generate wealth. Watch the...
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More than the infrastructure and the lot, real estate is a people’s business. In the last episode of our two-part series with seasoned real estate entrepreneur Joel Friedland, he shares the secret on how to build connections, especially with potential investors such as high-net-worth individuals. Our Gracious Sponsors: Vox Valens Media The team that produces...
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How do you recover from a big challenge, like a recession? How does your mental health affect your business decision-making?  In this first episode of our two-part series with successful real estate entrepreneur Joel Friedland, he answers these questions and more! Joel uncovers the secret of how to do deals with zero debt and describes...
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The effect of things might be atomic but once it’s compounds, it can affect someone greatly. And invoicing might be a “basic” thing to do but producing it multiple times affects your time and priorities greatly. In this episode, Braedon Hebert tells us how he helps management companies and how he helps their operators to...
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We’ve heard time and again that the real estate business is a people’s business. Thus, it is vital that when you are in this field, you have to hone and build relationships with different kinds of people. In this #Highlights episode, we look back at our conversations with real estate entrepreneurs Trevor West and Daisy...
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Leveraging the power of technology can go a long way in streamlining operations, especially for real estate businesses. In today’s #Highlights episode, we feature our conversations again with DJ Scruggs of REI DAO and Badri Malynur of Avestor. The two share the software and platform that you can utilize to help you in your real...
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Another person’s success story is a manifestation that it’s possible for you to achieve bigger things as well! Today’s guest, Melanie Bajrovic, shares how she went from her bar business at the age of 12 to buying her own house at 22 and eventually building an empire of multiple real estate assets of her own...
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Population growth is one of the key factors that drive housing needs. And, multifamily is one of the asset classes that can offer solutions to this. A multifamily is a residential property that contains more than one housing unit. There are small multis such as duplexes, triplexes, or fourplexes. And there are the large multis...
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Every person has his/her own journey to take. And, being an entrepreneur is something that might not be the path for everybody. In the first part of our two-part series with Jake Pence of Kaski, he tells us why entrepreneurship is not for everybody. Our Gracious Sponsor: DEAL ANALYSIS WORKSHOP   Deal Analysis. The #1...
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