
Real Estate Syndication
Demand for apartments in the U.S. surged in 2024, absorbing 390,000 units over the past year, highlighting robust market strength despite a high influx of new supply. Despite stabilized national occupancy rates at 94.2%, rental rate growth remained modest due to substantial new apartment construction, signaling a balanced market poised for potential growth as supply...
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The Impact of Interest Rates on Property Valuation and the Positive Signals for Commercial Real Estate
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Thinking about diving into real estate syndication or boosting your property management game? Dive into our latest Real Estate Syndication Show episode. It’s full of insights from Grant Warrington, a savvy investor and property management expert. He shows how crucial a reliable local network is for efficient management. Here’s what you can learn: Grow with...
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Are you interested in achieving higher returns through real estate syndication? Then you need to master the art of structuring your capital stack. In this information-packed episode of The  Real Estate Syndication Show, host Whitney Sewell chats with Julian Vogel, Fund Manager at Colonial Hills Capital, and Ted Rose from Rose Financial Solutions.Julian Vogel and Ted...
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Welcome back to The Real Estate Syndication Show! Today, we’re highlighting an engaging talk with Stash Gelezinski, Capstone Company’s Managing Director in Cincinnati. Stash shares his commercial real estate journey, offering insights on cold calling and the use of data analytics for finding profitable deals. Here are three key takeaways not to be missed: Cold...
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