WS515: Focusing on What Gives You Energy to Create a Business That Serves You with Trevor Mauch

While the thought of being an entrepreneur can be very exciting to some, for others it just evokes the feeling of having to be plugged into the business all the time. Although this may be true in some cases, if you, as an entrepreneur, can focus on what gives you energy and delegate tasks that drain you, it is possible to create a business that both thrives and that serves you. This is exactly what our guest today, Trevor Mauch, has done. Despite early exposure to entrepreneurship, he was adamant it wasn’t the path for him.

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He has since gone on to grow a hugely successful business. In this episode, we find out how Trevor unlearned his idea of what being a business owner was and how he reframed it to do work that fulfills him and gives him energy. Getting to this point was not easy. He followed what he thought his path was and spent a lot of his time feeling drained. We learn some of the techniques he has used to distill his workload so that he could focus on what he’s best at. Trevor shares some incredible advice from an influential book and the tool, The Energy Audit, that he created for people to learn how to better channel their energy productively. Trevor was a fantastic guest, who provided some easy to follow, implementable tips. Be sure to tune in today!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Trevor’s background: From his early exposure to entrepreneurship to launching Carrot.
  • Learn about the mindset shift that happened that made Trevor become an entrepreneur.
  • How Trevor managed to build a company that serves him rather than the other way around.
  • Lessons from, The Pumpkin Plan, a book that has been very influential in Trevor’s life.
  • How anyone can take their non-negotiables and leverage them to get a fulfilling job.
  • Find out Trevor’s non-negotiables after he sold his two companies.
  • The importance of doing work that fuels you and gives you energy rather than drains you.
  • Learn more about Trevor’s ‘Energy Audit’ and actionable steps of how to implement it.
  • Trevor and Carrot’s preparation for the downturn, and how they like to give back.

[bctt tweet=”I would encourage everyone to take out a piece of paper and write down your non-negotiables. — @tmauch” username=”whitney_sewell”]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Trevor Mauch

Trevor Mauch on LinkedIn

Trevor Mauch on Twitter

Trevor Mauch on Instagram


Carleton Sheets

The Pumpkin Plan

Carlos Vaz


Energy Audit

International Carrot Day

The CarrotCast Podcast

About Trevor Mauch

Trevor is the CEO of Carrot, one of the nation’s fastest-growing companies, according to Inc Magazine. They have helped the nation’s top real estate investors and agents pull in over 3million online leads in just 5 years, closing thousands of deals with their software and training. Trevor lives in Roseburg, Oregon with his wife and 3 kids, and is passionate about using business to fuel your passion and to amplify the impact you want to make in the world. Part of the impact he’s passionate about making is helping entrepreneurs unleash that entrepreneurial dream of finally unlocking that FREEDOM, FLEXIBILITY, FINANCES, and IMPACT that you’ve dreamed of but haven’t been able to fully make happen.

Full Transcript


[00:00:00] ANNOUNCER: Welcome to The Real Estate Syndication Show. Whether you are a seasoned investor or building a new real estate business, this is the show for you. Whitney Sewell talks to top experts in the business. Our goal is to help you master real estate syndication.

And now your host, Whitney Sewell.


[00:00:24] WS: This is your daily Real Estate Syndication show. I’m your host, Whitney Sewell. Today, our guest is Trevor Mauch. Thanks for being on the show, Trevor.

[00:00:33] TM: Whitney, thanks for the invite, man. Excited to finally meet you, virtually.

[00:00:37] WS: Yeah. It’s my pleasure. My pleasure. A little about Trevor, he’s a real estate investor and former serial entrepreneur. CEO of Oregon’s fastest growing software company, Carrot, where they help over 6,000 investors and agents to generate more leads online.

Trevor, give the listeners and myself a little more about yourself and your background, and let’s dive into how you’ve grown this platform and just the mindset behind it and just some other things about business that I know you can help us with.

[00:01:07] TM: Cool, man. I’ll kind of start back a little way. I think a lot of people listening to this can probably relate to it that, early on I honestly didn’t want to be an entrepreneur. There might be people that are listening to this going, “Oh! I was the kid selling like lemonade. I was the kid doing this.” I wasn’t really that kid, man. I played baseball. I love sports.

My parents had become entrepreneurs out of necessity when I was probably seven or eight years old. My dad lost his job, and so my mom created a business in our basement, and it was a party business, a party and wedding business where we would have people coming into our house, going down to the basement. She’d kind of consult with them on their weddings, and they’d help decorate it and set it up. That was kind of the early years entrepreneurship-wise, man. It was just seeing my parents out of necessity going, “Hey! We have a problem and we can go out there and either try to find a job or let’s try to add value in some way by being creative.”

That, number one, sparked me in thinking about, “Oh, it’s possible to go out there and do things like this.” But also, Whitney, or that was the thing that made me not want to do business, because I remember on weekends and nights. I’d be young; 10, 12, 13 years old. Summers, we’d be packing chairs, tables out to weddings on weekends and taking down tents and things like that. I really learned amazing work ethic. My dad’s the most positive guy in the world. I learned amazing work ethic, but what I also learned that I did not want to model was that business equals trapping you inside of this box that you’ve got to be plugged into it seven days a week.

That’s kind of what I thought business was. It’s something that you got to kind of be the slave to the machine rather than the machine serving you. I think that’s one of the reasons it’s so exciting to talk to you and all of your listeners is the reason people get into real estate, the reason people get into syndication and apartments is the opposite of that. “How can I plug into a business which each property like that is a business in and of itself? How do plug into a business that supports me rather than me supporting it?”

That was the early years, man. I’ll kind of fast-forward, and then we’ll get into some other cool stuff. But after that, I thought I wanted to be a doctor. I thought I wanted to be an attorney. I bombed both of those tests. I couldn’t get into schools and I’m like, “I’m going to figure this entrepreneur thing out.” Right out of the gates, I started doing marketing which I had no clue what marketing – Like how to do marketing. I started doing marketing for a mortgage company in 2006 to ’07, which as you can imagine towards the end of that it got very interesting in the office when two or three times a week, you’d have the wholesale mortgage brokers coming in and saying, “Hey! We’re out of business.”

Wholesale mortgage brokers were just like weekly for weeks, man. They’re coming in like, “We’re out of business. We’re out of business. We’re out of business.” But during that time was when I learned how to use the Internet. I learned how can you leverage the Internet to scale ideas? How do you leverage the Internet to tap into people and demand that you could never get into just by knocking doors or calling people at that scale?

Also, I figured out how to leverage your time way better, and we generated a lot of private lender leads online. We can kind of get into that, how to raise capital using the Internet in a good way without the SEC barking down your back. I’m not an attorney but some good ways.

And that kind of led into Carrot in 2014 where I took all that lead generation knowledge from the previous six or seven years. I think we can solve this problem for small businesses better than anyone else. The previous decade, 2002 through ’12, was I got to get online. Everyone was online, but they’re like, “I’m online but I’m not getting results. I’m not getting leads. I’m not getting high in Google.” That’s where I got good at. Then I said, “I think we can do this.”

Now, today, we work with just under 7,000 active real estate investors and agents. A lot of multifamily people too as well and they generate a little over a million inbound leads online, mostly motivated sellers of properties and land.

[00:04:57] WS: Wow! It’s interesting. You were part of the family business and had that vision of, “Oh, okay. This is – It’s a trap.” I mean, you mentioned like it’s trapping you seven days a week and you didn’t want that necessarily. But now, you’ve got a great business, obviously. You’ve been very successful, and some things had to change there, right? I mean, I would say, number one, probably that mindset had to change and then probably amongst other growth. But walk me through that a little bit. Why jump back into a business when you thought, “Okay, this is not what I want.”? But now, you’ve been very successful at it.

[00:05:31] TM: Man, that’s a great question. I graduated college in 2006. Right out of college, all my buddies went and got jobs, right? I graduated from a technical school. I’m not a technical guy. Even though I own a software company, I’m a marketing guy. All those guys went off and got 60, 70, $80,000 jobs out of school. I think for me, what happened, Whitney, was I bought my first rental property. It’s a little four-unit apartment building when I was 21 in college, just up there by the college. I still own that one today. I started to kind of get that taste of, “Man, there’s something new.” Even though I wasn’t making a lot of money from that property, I gained a lot of equity pretty quick, and it bought it right. I saw the potential. I’m like, “I don’t want to work 40, 60, 70 hours a week for what seems like a potential cap.”

They’re pretty pumped about these jobs now, but I just had this vision because I would see family members that are in their 40s, 50s, 60s. I would see friends or their parents that are in that age. In general, the common theme, the common story that I kept seeing come up was them talking about what could have been, about the risks they wanted to take that they didn’t about the businesses, ideas that they had that they never pursued. I’m like, “I don’t know how to do this.” But I got that first taste of confidence buying that property with none of my own money, literally Carleton Sheets stuff, man.

I know he passed away recently, but my dad – I remember the infomercial came on, and he was a very positive influence. Still. He’s an amazing guy. He said, “Trevor, do you want to like get into real estate?” I thought that would be cool. But at that time, I think I was 19 or 20 years old. I had no clue how you can do that.

He said, “Well, I’ll buy you this course. Here’s the $500 Carleton Sheets thing. I’ll buy you the course. As long as you do a deal with it, you don’t have to pay me back. Because if you don’t do a deal with it, you’ve got to pay me 500 bucks.” I’m like, “All right. Let’s do it.” I got it, I studied everything, and I ended up buying a property with none of my own money. It cash flowed from day one, and I still own it. I think that was the main thing that kind of got me that taste.

Another thing, Whitney, was honestly I had a professor in college where I went to college to play baseball and I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do. And I had a professor. His name was Arie DeGroot, who was just this really charismatic dude. He was a law professor. In our business law classes, he was up there talking about law but then he would bring in all of his experience and he’s also a real estate investor, so he’d be telling a lot of the examples in how he’s doing it to acquire properties and how he’s doing this. Then I’m like, “That’s what I want to do.”

I think part of it and a lesson I learned, Whitney, was that he was so passionate and enthusiastic in the way that he’s relaying the message. That stood out to me. I’m like, “If he is loving what he’s doing that much that he’s exuding that, I kind of want to do what he is doing.” That’s kind of what got me over that hump and I started to do that. Out of college, what I did was I said, “Okay. I’m going to give myself a year to figure this thing out.” I think this is very similar to anyone getting into syndication, anyone growing it. Getting that first couple deals in is the hard part. It’s building that network. It’s finding out the deal flow. It’s all that stuff. How do you now service a property?

For me, I gave myself that year grace period. I’m like, “I don’t care how much I fail in this year. I’m going to do it and I’m not going to give up. If at the end of the year I can’t figure out how to support myself as an entrepreneur, then I’m going to go get a job.” Luckily,

I figured I’d make a couple bucks. Then I said, “Okay, I’m going it to do another year.”

[00:08:50] WS: You sure did, yeah. I was thinking about you’re being trapped. You’re having the mindset of being trapped in business. Now, you’ve created an amazing business. You and I briefly discussed about crafting a business to serve you instead of you serving it, and so I’d love to know how you’ve implemented that and what that looks like now that you scaled to that point that you have.

[00:09:09] TM: I’ll give people some context here. Carrot, as it is today, we are 31 full-time employees. We have four positions open now. At the end of the year, we’ll be somewhere around 43, 45 employees full-time. The reason I say this is this. Because when I first got into business or even when I first started Carrot in 2014, dude, the last thing that I ever wanted was a bunch of employees. Like the last thing. Going back to kind of that example, and I’m going to keep on going back to the story, my dad is the most positive person in the world, man, except for when it comes to employees.

That was another one of those kind of influences growing up is he’s so positive. He’s so amazing. His work ethic is so good. He’s really smart in business. But he’d always come home and talk about the issues. They are always people issues, and he would always say, “You can’t find good people. If you want it done right, you got to do it yourself, all those old adages.” I kind of carried out into business and I have an amazing work ethic.

But what was happening, Whitney, was in my previous company, which is an online publishing company, we’re working with a lot of real estate investors and we generate a lot of leads as well and sold education and things like that. What happened was we built a really good business, but I’d grown to despise the business that I had built. I had built a business that actually trapped me. I kind of repeated history, right?

Even though it was good financially, I was waking up in the morning and I had my first child; McKinley, my first daughter; in 2010, and I remember my wife had gone to work. She’s a physician assistant. She’d gone to work, had a good job. I’d be lying there at 9:00, 9:30, 10:00 in the morning just going, “Man, I’m just not excited about what I’m doing.”

My friend’s family room from the outside would be looking at me as like the example of freedom of flexibility, because I had my own work and I could go travel and I made a good income. But on the inside, I’m like, “Man, I’m trapped.” I started to go through a period of life where I was figuring out like, “What do I want?” I read a book called The Pumpkin Plan. Have you ever read The Pumpkin Plan or heard of Mike Michalowicz’s stuff?

[00:11:04] WS: I haven’t. That’s a new one.

[00:11:06] TM: He’s good, man. The Pumpkin Plan is one my favorite books. I’ve probably sent it to a hundred plus people and I’ve only read 16 pages of the book. Literally, page 16, I opened up the book. I read through it, and page 16 – This is the power of illustration and this is something you guys can use as you’re raising capital, as you’re telling the stories of your businesses is how do you illustrate in a visual format something that’s a complicated process that people get in a second? If you can do that in your presentations raising capital, if you can do that in your presentations to the banks, if you can do that on your website for tenants, things like that, you’re going to get ahead of your competition so far, because so many people complicate their marketing. So many people complicate the messages they’re putting out there.

What this book talked about was he said he was talking to a world champion pumpkin farmer, the ones that are going to these big fairs where they’ve got the ginormous pumpkins and they’re growing them for the blue ribbon. He would talk to them and he would say, “Hey! So how do you grow pumpkins this large? How do you grow a world champion, a world record pumpkin?” The farmer said, “Well, essentially, it starts with the right seed. If you get the wrong seed, like if you get a seed of a different kind of pumpkin, there’s no way it can be that big. So, it’s got to be the right seed. [inaudible 00:12:17] the seeds, they’re going to be small pumpkins.”

Then he goes, “Plant a bunch of those seeds in place, okay? At the start, you got to throw a lot of seed out there.” Then he goes, “Eventually, you’re going to have 8, 10, 12 different things cropping up there.” He said, “They’re going to grow. You’re going to see the pumpkin vine and stuff like that, and some pumpkins are going to grow on the vines. There’s going to be leaves on the vine.”

He said, “What you need to do next is you’re going to pick probably three or four pumpkins on that vine that are kind of looking more promising and hack everything else off the vine. Hack everything else off the vine. Even the vines over here that aren’t looking promising, just cut the whole vine out. Kill it, and you might have two or three vines or three pumpkins each on that look promising.”

He said, “Water, water, water,” those ideas. Those are the bigger ideas, right? He said, “Then next, you’re going to find one pumpkin on that vine that just definitely looks like it’s going to be the bigger one. You cut off everything else and you ruthlessly trim off and keep the leaves off, any other sprouts coming off. You ruthlessly get everything off that vine, so all of the water, all the nutrients, all the energy goes to that one pumpkin.” He said, “In the final week, you can almost physically see the pumpkin grow.” He said, “That’s what grows the biggest pumpkins.”

Then he related it to business. He said, “Man, what happens to a lot of us –” This is what was happening to me in that phase of business, and then I’ll transition over to how do you build a business that frees you, even if you’re in a syndication. I know people myself. A really good friend of mine, Carlos Vaz, he has CONTI Org down in Texas and I knew him in his first year of business. He has over 6,000 units. That might be more than that. Maybe up to 8,000 now. In his first year, he had acquired a thousand units. I remember about year two or three, he was getting overwhelmed with a bunch of stuff.

Now, I’ll go back to the analogy, is what happens in business and life is often times we have a lot of different ideas going out there, and we’re putting a little bit of energy here, a little bit of energy there. We eventually get choked out. The opportunity gets choked out, because we’re spreading things so thin. But if you then trim things down and go, “Hey! I’m going to trim everything off my life, everything off my lot, except for the big opportunity or maybe a couple of them to see what’s it and then fuel all energy there,” then you’re going to see it grow.

In that time period, Whitney, I read at close page 16, pull up a piece of paper, and I literally started writing out the proverbial pumpkins and in my life and business. Here’s all the things that are taking my time, all the things that are taking my energy. What ones am I excited about? What ones look like could have a bigger opportunity? There was one thing that looked like had a bigger opportunity. Everything else was distraction.

Over the next year, man, I’d trimmed everything. I sold two companies. It sounds fancy. It wasn’t. I was just trying to exit them. I didn’t really make hardly any money on them. We got one. I got my money back in one of them. The other one, I love my business partner, Jeff.  I just told him. I said, “Man, I’m not going to negotiate with you. I don’t want this to hurt our relationship. You tell me a price, I will say yes.” He did. It was way lower than I was expecting, and he even asked for a five-year loan on it. I said yes and so I bought back all my time. I had pumpkin planned my life, and that’s what about year and half later turned into Carrot, which is $10 million a year plus company now worth somewhere in the 60, $70 million range and we’re growing it. Highly profitable. It’s fun. It’s fun.

The other side of that now, I’ll kind of talk about the transition, is after I trimmed everything down, and this I would encourage everyone to do. I don’t care if you’re still in toilets, if you’re a real estate syndicator, if you’re a software company owner, house flipper, wholesaler, whatever is, is I would encourage everyone to take out a piece of paper and write down your non-negotiables. Look at your previous experience in life and business and say, “These are the things I did not enjoy about my previous companies. These are the things that I did not like.” Then flip around and say, “These are the non-negotiables that every business I ever run must follow.”

I had five non-negotiables out of that where I’m like, “Man, I want to build something that’s real asset, not just kind of churning transactions.” I think a lot of people that are possibly listening to your podcast might be flippers, wholesalers, maybe real estate agents who are churning transactions. That’s the hamster wheel. You’re going to get burnt out eventually. Then why are you getting into syndication? Because you’re like, “I want to build assets. I want to build something that can serve me.” That was one of mine.

Another one was have fun, and I just wasn’t having a lot of fun in my previous business, so I’m like, “The next companies, they got to have fun mixed into them.”

Another one was work within my unique abilities. I had learned in my previous company that, man, I was doing things that paid well. I was doing things that people told me, “Man, these are your gifts. You’re really good at these things.” People would hire me and pay me a lot of money to do these things. But after I’d be done doing those things or even during them, man, my energy was wiped. I’d get to the end of the week and go, “I did a lot of things and I’m getting paid good money for it. But, man, I’m wiped. I don’t have energy. It was just sucking it out of me.”

Some of the worst advice that I’ve heard and I’ve even heard it recently from people I really respect is, “You know your unique abilities or you know your superpowers. When people tell you you’re great at it, they’ll pay a lot of money for it.” That’s some the worst advice I’ve ever heard. I chased that for years. That’s amazing if you’re looking to try to maximize money in the short term. It’s terrible if you’re looking to get fulfillment, purpose, and maximize money in the long term. Terrible advice.

And so, what I started to discover in that period was, man, if I could start to nail these non-negotiables – There’s a couple more that I had in there. If I can start to nail these non-negotiables and figure out what gives me energy, like what gives me energy, I’d assumed if I can work on things that give me energy rather than take my energy away, I’ll likely like my business more and maybe it’ll even grow bigger. Who knows?

[00:17:45] WS: What you’re saying is I could be doing something that I’m really good at and that people are paying me a lot of money to do. However, it’s not what’s best. It’s not my superpower.

[00:17:54] TM: Maybe it could be. But at the end of the day, it’s got to be tied to energy. You can be getting paid amazingly well for it. You can be – People will tell you, “Man, you’re amazing at this, Whitney.” But if you wake up and you dread to do that work or you wake up and that part of the work is the part of the work that makes your company money, it’d be like, “Man, I’m pretty good at this thing but I just really don’t like doing it. I’d much rather do all these other things.” I think we all have those things where we look at it and go, “Man, if I stop doing this, like 80% of my income will go away. But I really don’t like it or half of my income will go away.”

That’s where I was, so I created a process called the Energy Audit that I can walk through on here. It just changed my life. I use it every quarter now.

[00:18:33] WS: Let’s do it. Let’s talk about the Energy Audit before we run out of time.

[00:18:36] TM: Let’s do it, man. The Energy Audit is really simple. People can take out a piece of paper. Do this quarterly. It’s 15 minutes a quarter. Take out a piece of paper, line down the middle. Or we have the Energy Audit online. People can get it. It’s instructions – You don’t have to put in an opt-in. It’s just Just go there. Download the PDF and go do it. But you put on the left side of it what gives me energy, so gives energy, so gives. Right side, drain. Then just do an audit. Pull back and go. On a given average week, what gives me energy in life? Put things you’re not even doing right now but you know you love but you’re not creating time for. “Man, I love doing this. I love mountain bike riding. But, man, I haven’t gone in two years.” Or put down the things that give you energy in life; working out, this type of work.

Then on the other side of it, put down things that drain your energy in life, work and nonwork. Here’s the key to it is what oftentimes happens is when we do not – This will only audit the things that we currently are doing. We’ll forget to add the things that we’re not doing. Like, once again for me, I love strategy. Strategy gives me energy. I love to go to the whiteboard, strategize things. Then I would just want to leave the room and have someone else execute.

But my previous company, I was 80% execution. I was the guy right in the copy. I was the guy doing all these things and wondering why I didn’t have any energy at the end of the day. I love working out but I wasn’t working out. All these types of things.

That’s the first one. Do the audit. The next thing is on your energy drain list, circle one or two of those items that you’re doing each week that you’re like, “Man, these things are just draining the most energy out. I dislike these.” Often times those things that are going circle are things directly tied to a revenue item, and you haven’t cut them out because they’re tied to a revenue item. You’re like, “I can’t cut these. They’re just fine.”

[00:20:19] WS: You’re going to find somebody to replace you or doing those things?

[00:20:23] TM: 100%, dude. Circle those two things. Write down how many hours per week you’re spending on each one of those. Let’s say the first one is whatever and it’s seven hours a week, and this other one’s nine hours a week. Together, that’s 16 hours a week. That’s – Now, every quarter, I write those things down and I go, “Cool.”

Now, let me go over to the energy gifts column. What do I want to take this time, this 16 hours a week and put into now that gives me energy?” I’m going to go, “Cool. I’m going to take these 16 hours. Over here, I’m going to start to work out five days a week. I’m not doing [inaudible 00:20:51], so I’m like creating the time. Then over here, I’m going to start a podcast. It gives energy. But I have no clue how it’s going to make me money, but it gives me energy. I don’t care if it doesn’t make me money.” Okay?

Then that’s going to be your plan for the quarter. The very first things you’re going to do in the quarter is exactly create processes and/or hire people. Put people in place to do those things to reclaim those 16 hours, and then plug that 16 hours into things that give you energy. If you do that over the course of one, two, three, four year, you do it each quarter, for me, I went from 20% of my time was energy giving and 80% energy draining, I was wondering why I was despising my business, to now it’s 80% energy giving and 20% energy draining.

The funny thing is, dude, my company has grown faster than ever, and I got more freedom than ever because I focused on energy rather than money.

[00:21:37] WS: I would imagine too you are finding people that those things that were draining to you are energy for those people, and that’s just helped boost your company that much more.

[00:21:46] TM: Totally. The funniest thing, I even had people in the first couple years of Carrot working for me, and I wasn’t giving them things because I thought, “Man. Well, this is kind of crappy work. I don’t want to delegate them crappy work. I want to have them do fun work.” If they’re not doing fun work, they’re going to leave, right? I didn’t sit down with my executive assistant, Jen, until about a year in working with her. I’m like, “She’s great, but it just still doesn’t feel like I’m getting back all the time I needed.” I sat down and I said, “Jen, would you mind if we just sit down and kind of look at the list of things that are just killing me right now and draining my energy?”

We did and I said, “I kind of feel bad but I could really use help doing these things.” She goes, “Oh, my gosh! That’s the stuff I was hoping you would’ve given me a long – I like doing that stuff. I don’t really like doing the marketing stuff that you’ve been giving me.” I’m like, “Oh, my gosh! I was giving you marketing stuff because I enjoy that. I was trying to cast my own likes on what you might like, instead of seeing what drains your energy, what gives you energy, and let’s just match it up.” Once we started doing that, it changed the game.

[00:22:47] WS: Wow!  Well, we just have a couple minutes in before we run out of time, Trevor, unfortunately. But I’d love to have you back, and let’s talk a little bit about marketing and even the raising capital online like you briefly discussed as well. But quickly, how are you prepared for this potential downturn that everyone’s talking about?

[00:23:04] TM: Yeah. I mean, there’s a lot of talk about it, right? I know for us as a business, Carrot, we’ve been heavily into real estate investor space and we’re going up market a lot more, so we’re going to serve more the house flippers, wholesalers, bigger investors who are going to wade through any change.

Then also, we’re diving into the real estate agent market, which I know that’s a different wave of the same ocean, right? But we’re diving into that market. So, we’re penetrating a market that we’ll also be impacted but it’s new to us, so it’s new growth.

But here’s a couple things, man. I’m really big on building authority. When you look at when markets change, when technology starts to come in and disrupt, you got the eye buyers. You got other things start to happen where it’s going to take away some market share from agents, some market share from investors.

We start to look at it and go, “Through history, the stock market travel industry and a bunch of other ones. What were the people in the in the companies that ended up wading through and not just surviving but thriving those market changes?” It’s always the ones who built authority. It’s always the ones who not only had the license and had that skill. But it’s like, “Oh, they stood out and they did that.” The only way to build authority is with content.

That’s what we’re really doubling down on is making sure that not only is Carrot the authority in the space, and you become that with content. You’re the authority because you’re bringing content, right? But also educating and helping our clients do the same. That’s what our software does. It helps you stand out online, especially in Google. With content, get ranked high and also build so much more trust and credibility when someone lands there.

The next thing, man, that I’ll wrap with, kind of going back to the personal side of it is the last year and a half, we’ve been stockpiling some cash and we’re already buying up some buildings where – In rural Oregon you start to kind of feel some of those changes sooner and then some that last longer. We’ve been buying some properties and buildings downtown. We’re renovating historical properties. We’re starting to find better opportunities there, leveraging opportunity zones.

[00:24:59] WS: Tell us how you like to give back.

[00:25:01] TM: Man, giving back. This thing right here – I mean, I absolutely love sharing my journey. I think there’s a lot that I learned when I heard other entrepreneurs sharing their bumps and bruises and things that they’ve done good with but more directly. Man, we created a program here at Carrot three years ago called our Carrot giving program. This is something I would highly encourage everybody listening to do this. I don’t care if you have two nickels to rub together or you have two billion bucks in the bank account. I was away delaying giving back, thinking I’ll do it once we get to this financial picture.

Three years ago, we said, “You know what? Screw that. let’s just go ahead and just let’s start giving something now.” We carved out 1% of our gross revenue. Then every quarter, we would say, “Let’s try to give to causes that amplify our core values. Then eventually, we’ll find something that we really are passionate about.” Now, fast-forward to today, we haven’t done the official announcement. We’re going to do that in the International Carrot Day, which is March 4th. It’s a real holiday, dude. I sort of Google it.

But we are starting our Carrot impact fund, which is us doubling down on that. We have donated a half a million dollars to our Carrot impact fund, a nonprofit. We’re going to go out there, leveraging the growth from this company, man. How do we help other entrepreneurs? How do we help community organizations where our employees work and live to be more positive to help to impact those around them more and to help funnel some of the money that we’re blessed to have in other people’s hands, so they can make an impact?

[00:26:25] WS: Wow! Thank you for sharing that, Trevor. I appreciate your time. It’s an honor just to get to meet you and have you on the show. It’s always amazing to hear people’s transition from we know what they thought business was like and especially at seven years old. You said when your mom created this business and it was out of necessity. It’s amazing to hear how she made that happen though and what you learned through that process and then just how you have obviously just built an amazing business and brand.

I’ll definitely look up the book, The Pumpkin Plan. I hope the listeners will as well. But just your mindset shift and now creating a business that’s serving you, instead of you serving it so many hours and just the Energy Audit. I hope the listeners will also look that up. I know I will. But I look forward to hopefully having you back and just talking a little bit more about marketing and maybe raising capital online, which I know the listeners would love to hear about as well. But thank you again so much and tell them how they can get in touch with you though.

[00:27:17] TM: Yeah, okay. You guys can check us out. We have a lot of blog posts over there. Follow me on Instagram, @trevor.mauch, M-A-U-C-H. I’m kind of documenting behind-the-scenes and how we’re growing Carrot and growing a young family at the same time. The last thing is the CarrotCast. You guys who listen to podcasts, just go find me at the CarrotCast.


[00:27:34] WS: Don’t go yet. Thank you for listening to today’s episode. I would love it if you would go to iTunes right now and leave a rating and written review. I want to hear your feedback. It makes a big difference in getting the podcast out there. You can also go to the Real Estate Syndication Show on Facebook, so you can connect with me and we can also receive feedback and your questions there that you want me to answer on the show. Subscribe too, so you can get the latest episodes. Lastly, I want to keep you updated. So head over to and sign up for the newsletter. If you’re interested in partnering with me, sign up on the contact us page, so you can talk to me directly. Have a blessed day, and I will talk to you tomorrow.


[00:28:14] ANNOUNCER: Thank you for listening to The Real Estate Syndication Show, brought to you by Life Bridge Capital. Life Bridge Capital works with investors nationwide to invest in real estate while also donating 50% of its profits to assist parents who are committing to adoption. Life Bridge Capital, making a difference one investor and one child at a time. Connect online at for free material and videos to further your success.


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