WS919: How The Marine And Neuroscientist Partnered For Success with Shelon Hutchinson and Heath Jones

In any partnership, accountability plays a role for it to be successful. A business partnership is like marriage after all. You need to find someone who has similar values as you. Having an accountability partner means having the two of you accountable for doing everything to achieve success.

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In this episode, we speak to business partners Shelon Hutchinson and Heath Jones. They share how despite having different career backgrounds — marine and neuroscientist respectively, the partnership they built worked. The two then talk about how they sealed their first deal. They also share how they were able to raise half a million dollars in less than a week. And, they share how to be interesting when you call an investor. Tune in now and learn what an effective partnership can do to your business!

Key Points From This Episode:   

  • Shelon and Heath talk about their partnership, how they met, and how the partnership has worked out for them.
  • Shelon and Heath share how they knew that their partnership will work.
  • How they sealed their first deal?
  • The top important things to know to be able to raise over half a million dollars in less than a week.
  • How to be interesting when you are on a call with an investor?
  • Heath shares how he got past being an introvert and started talking to people to be part of a conversation for the business.
  • Shelon and Heath share how they prepare for a downturn.
  • Shelon and Heath’s predictions on the real estate market over the next six to twelve months.
  • The daily habits that helped Shelon and Heath to achieve success.
  • Their best source for meeting new investors right now and how they like to give back.

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“From an early age, I understood that service is a price you pay for the space that we occupy here on Earth or in whatever country you live.” [0:02:32]

“I didn’t wanna live a restrictive life. I wanted to live a life of abundance.” [0:04:13]

 “You wanna find a person or a partner that’s going to see potential in you that you don’t even know you have and then push you to pull it out.” [0”10:17]

 “If you’re not smart or if you think you are smart, surround yourself with smarter people.” [0:10:14]

 “So just be very interested in (a) creative relationship because when all these apartments and money goes away, the relationship is what we have. So, investors are a by-product of the relationships that we create.” [0:18:36]

“Now getting over the initial fear, that’s just something that you gotta take a deep breath and say, you gotta commit.” [0:22:04]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Shelon Hutchinson on LinkedIn

Heath Jones on LinkedIn

HSquared Capital

About Shelon Hutchinson and Heath Jones

Hutch and Heath are the hosts of The Multifamily Real Estate Experiment Podcast and the founders of H Squared Capital, which is a multifamily investment firm focused on acquiring apartments in the Southeast markets. Currently, H Squared Capital owns and controls 75 multifamily doors, and aims to provide those who have served in our country’s military the opportunity to improve their financial situation. They do this by bringing retired Service members and accredited investors together to build everyone’s wealth through apartment investing.

Full Transcript



0:00:00.0 ANNOUNCER Welcome to the Real Estate Syndication Show. Whether you are a seasoned investor or building a new real estate business, this is the show for you. Whitney Sewell talks to top experts in the business. Our goal is to help you master real estate syndication.

And now your host, Whitney Sewell.


0:00:24.4 Whitney Sewell: This is your daily Real Estate Syndication Show. I’m your host, Whitney Sewell. Today, our guests are Shelon Hutchinson and Heath Jones. Thanks for me on the show this morning, guys.

0:00:34.0 Heath Jones: Thanks for having us on. Excited to be here and listen to it for a while…

0:00:38.0 Shelon Hutchinson: Well, yeah, it’s been a hub in it…

0:00:40.0 WS: Awesome to have you all as part of the show, I was talking to them a little bit before the show for which are recording, and I need… We met at a conference nearly two years ago, or I guess it has been over two years ago now, and it’s just neat to see their progress in this business and what they’ve been able to accomplish. Hutch… Thank you for your service. And Heath’s also working with our active duty and very involved as a neuroscientist. It’s so interesting. A marine and a neuroscientist, and what they’ve been able to accomplish together.

So the different qualities that they both have, but a little about them now, the host of the multi-family real estate experiment podcasts, and the founders of H-squared Capital, which is a multi-family investment firm focused on acquiring apartments in the southeast markets. Currently, H Square Capital owns and controls 75 multi-family doors and aims to provide those who have served in our country’s military the opportunity to improve their financial situation. They do this by bringing retired service members and accredit investors together to build everyone’s well through apartment investing.

Well, again, welcome to show guys. Pleasure to have you on, give us a little bit, maybe just a minute or two of your background, maybe we talk a little bit about your partnership, how you all met, how that’s worked out, because obviously you all were gonna have such different backgrounds or trade skills, those things, but I’ve seen it happen so many times when those things are joined, it’s like, Man, we just reached a whole new hits, couldn’t even think of before I know that happened with me. I’ve seen it happen with many others, but give us a little background and then let’s move forward into your success story,

0:02:12.0 HJ: I have to kinda… First, he started investing in your real estate before I did.

0:02:16.0 SH: Okay… I’m still active in the Marine Corps, been a part of his professional Gun Club for a little bit over 22 years, and I’m still having fun. Is the best mistake I’ve ever made. Serving this great country. Look, I’m an immigrant from Jamaica and I came here, I had a burning desire, but since I was a child of serving the military, so from a early age, I understood that services a pricey paying for the space that we occupy here on Earth or in whatever country you live…

So I came to the country in 98 and showed a day after, I was off to boot camp and got stationed in Hawaii. Amazing place to be in, man, it was rough over there. Waking and morning, working right on the fly line, maintaining helicopters, man. It was horrible. I love my life, but as far as real estate goes, if you’re in the military, you understand that wherever we go, we aspire to buy different houses from place to place, so in my case, my paradigm was saying it on the house because my dad was listening to those Coltrane sheets, tape, and he was passing all those information to me, so my dad was my teacher my early age.

So as I grew by houses in California, Hawaii, Florida, most of this thing I found the space until I find me in my way back to Florida in 20 in 2007, is when I started doing flips, and then I transitioned into multifamily space in 2019, and that’s when I made Meeteetse.

0:03:38.0 HJ: Raised in Texas kind of proud of it. Is that I think most of us are… Did a grad school in Colorado, and I taught at the University of Wisconsin in Madison a postdoc. Then I got hired on to do research for the Army as a DoD contractor, after a couple of years, I got hired on full-time as a federal employee, which is great because it comes with a great benefits as opposed to the contracting position. However, it did come with a 15% cut in my salary, and so I scrambled, I was…

First I was like, Oh, we can just budget that out, we don’t need all the things we need, and that you can’t budget back in 15%, it’s too difficult, and I didn’t wanna live a restrictive life. Wanted to live the life of abundance. And so Googled how do I make more money fast, and you get 20 list 22 ways to, you know, side hustles to make more money, and it was like, start a blog. I started YouTube, sell stuff on Amazon, and I was like, None of those really spoke to me, and then saw a video with Kiyosaki, he’s explaining the difference between assets and liabilities, and he’s like, You can buy stuff that puts money in your pocket, and I was like, you always kinda know that that’s the case, but that’s what rich people do. that’s…

But people who have money buy stuff that puts money in their pocket, and there was the idea of using banks money in and leveraging other people’s money so that everybody puts more park money in their pocket together. And so that really spoke to me. And so my wife and I decided to start investing in real estate. We were gonna do single family homes, one home a year.  After five years, we’d have five homes, I was like, that’s cool, 30 years are paid off, that’s another little retirement nestegg.

But after doing it, all the numbers 1 or 102 dollars a month for one house wasn’t gonna get back that 15%, so I told her, we need to start doing multi-family. So in January 2019, we made the decision, we started looking… By April 4th, we had bought a 14 or a four unit and a 16 unit, so we had 20 units within the three months and that recouped the 15%, and I was just like, holy smokes, I look at the power of real estate…

Look at the power of scalability, and this was just two transactions, and if we could do two of those transactions a year or even every six months, then we could be setting ourselves up to actually get our time back, and so I’m not spending 40 hours doing a Java… I actually love my job. That’s one of the… Most people are trying to leave a job they don’t like… For me, I actually thoroughly enjoy my job, but I do have to say It’s the attraction to not having to ask for PTO or time off, or trying to schedule our trips around when I can be there or not, it was still very attractive.

So that’s how I got into multi-family. I went to a conference to learn how to do it better and more, met Hutch and he’s super charged me, so…

0:06:35.0 WS: Awesome, it’s interesting. Just each of your backgrounds. And again, I get the question often about partnerships, how my business partner and I met and knew that it was right when we had done… I mean, I’ve been asked by dozens of people to partner, and honestly, I said no, I just didn’t think it was the right fit, and also it just spent tons of time and money and energy building a brand and a business and investor list and nurturing those relationships. The last thing I wanna do is just hand that off to just anyone there, just really in all that, so quickly, so it was very selective, but when I met my business partner, it was obvious that we were supposed to be partnered…

It was so obvious. I mean, the Lord has just really blessed our business and just from our different skill sets and things, but I wanna hear you all met… What was it that said, you know what, this is the guy that I’m supposed to be partnered with. You know, I really treat that decision like a marriage, and my business partner and I have deep discussions about that often, just to just ensure we’re preferring one another, and it’s like you…

And I use the analogy, or my wife and I’ll talk about it often, it’s like, she’s so much with the kids or the house or all those things, right. And I’m not in that as much, but she’s not in the business, but we could not do either of those things without the other… Right, even though it’s very different tasks, and I see that our business the same way. How did you all know that? Okay, this is the guy for me?

0:07:55.5 HJ: Well, it takes a while to develop a little bit, so we had the good fortune of having how Elrod… By the speaker that was at that conference, and one thing that he hit big on is to have an accountability partner. And at that time, I was training for an Iron Man Event, and I was getting up at four in the morning every day. And Hutch knew this ’cause we had been talking at the conference, we sat next to each other on the front row of the conference, and he was like, Hey, I’ve been wanting to get up earlier anyway because he had already read The Miracle Morning.

Would you mind sending me a text and making sure I’m up, so once we got back home from the conference that Monday, woke up at 4, sent him a  text… Morning marine, are you up? and you just hear that you see dot dot dot. And then after a while, he was getting up more regularly, so was I, and so we started to say, Hey, let’s hop on a zoom call, ’cause we were both looking in the Huntsville, Alabama market.

And did you see this deal? I was like, yeah, what were you thinking? Well, this is how I was underwriting it. And he was like, alright. And so we started discussing more on Zoom, and then we were like, hey, why don’t we drive up to Huntsville, start walking properties, and so Hutch drove two hours to enterprise, and then we drove four and a half hours to Huntsville, four hours back.

So we had eight hours in the car and we started doing that once or twice a month, and we were going to put in offers as our separate businesses, and then we’re like, we think we would have better buying power if we were to consolidate and… you know, you get to know someone really well. After 8 hours in the car, listening to Jim Rohn, Grant Cardone, Ziglar talking about…

0:09:40.0 WS: And the Real Estate Syndication Show… Don’t forget that one.

0:09:42.5 HJ: Oh, sorry, I love that. But you start to… The things that we kinda see silly about how people say stuff in the business and things that we really gravitate towards and things that speak to us, and the differences of opinions we have in certain things, and how we can still see the value and why the person understands or beliefs that way, and so that was really pivotal for me at least, to see the awesome fire that was in Hutch.

And then he say, you wanna find a person or a partner that’s going to see potential in you that you don’t even know you have and then push you to pull it out, and that’s how I felt about Hutch, and so… That’s what sealed the deal for me. I don’t know how Hutch feels… He just like hanging out the goofy kind.

0:10:35.4 SH: I like nerds. So got my…, a Marine, and mine told me a long time ago that if you’re not smart or if you think you smart… Surround yourself with smarter people. Right, and Heath is a nerd and I like that, but look, in 2015, I got reassigned from the squadron into a billets where I didn’t really want to go. Right, but what that billet did, it afforded me the opportunity to actually learn who I was, the reason why I got assigned to that abilities because the environment that I was working was not conducive to my personality, my leadership skills so on and so forth right?

So when I was reassigned to what we call it the junior leadership as its corporate Course Director, I got some time to actually learn what was… So I got in this path of reading and the first book I read was The Seven Habits of Highly Affected People, and it totally changed my life, and that book Aspire and it’s a more book, Think and Grow Rich. They get into Yes, power positive, so on, and so forth. So you get to learn how to build a relationship. How To Win Friends And intimates people.

So in 2019, when I was getting ready to attend the best of a conference, my good friend Tim Kelly, Tim and I was talking and Tim asked me, Hutch, why are you going to the multi-family conference? I was like, It’s a multi-family conference, I want to learn more. Got it. But, uh, why are you going… And Tim is a guy, I’m not sure if you know Tim Kelly, but he’s the guy where if you ask you question that is that deep chances are it’s going somewhere and say, we’re like, Look, I’m just going to the conference, I think you know more.

Explain like, uh, when you go to these conference, it’s important that you go there with a purpose, so fortunately for us, we were using this over-app and Heath was asking a ton of a valuable question and also providing a lot of good content, and I was doing the same to… But what we find out was we kind of gravitated to each other, we was answering each other questions, right? And adding value to each other’s comments, so on and so forth, so that’s how we got to the conference.

We knew each other, we knew a lot about each other, we knew how would a…We knew what market we’re in, we knew the proximity to where we live, so we got there and it was a one relationship, we sat in the front row, and we just grew from there. So what he talked about was the accountability piece, which was crucial to both of us development. So in talking to Tim Kelly, one of the things that I notice is that I was on an island. Right, I did not know what I do, but I didn’t know.

And then in order for me to grow beyond those island is to create a team, so I went to the conference with the intention of identifying passive investors, but were they understanding that if someone who have similar values, we have simple of view, family values, business values on and so forth, if I met that person, then we could potentially create a relationship that could morph into something more than just someone that movement at the conference. So accountability after the conference was crucial to us learning each other’s aspiration in the multi-family.

0:13:41.1 WS: I like that aspect, or there’s the concept of having an accountability partner, and maybe even for you, before you actually form a partnership, I think that’s us that you hit it on the line, the Hutch, shows you a lot about the other person, right. Not only are they having to hold you accountable, but just you holding them accountable, and how accountable are they, you know.

How diligent are they about doing the things that you all’ve talked about that are moving themselves forward, much less moving a business together forward yet I think it’s a really insightful way to think about a partnership before you actually partner is having that accountability partner… Well, tell us about getting your first deal… Let’s dive into that.

0:14:19.3 SH: Now, talk about it first, the life got partner, gotta talk about the first deal before we got partners. That was a 55 unit in Spartanburg, South Carolina, and all that was… So we often hear to term about, find somebody who’s doing what you’re doing. And then add value, right? But what does that look like? Do you go ask that person, how can I add value to a good you, right? We said, Now you just give that person an additional job to find a job for you, so just conversing, understanding the person who you were spine to be like, what are the pain areas? And is that something that you can solve it?

So fortunately, for the first deal that I co-sponsored, I was able to solve some problems and I maintain that relationships with those individuals, and that got us in the second deal, so Heath and I, we started on the grind, social media, networking like crazy, attending almost every meter that would possibly could, you know, three, four hours per week, and just building some pretty good relationship and improving our markets, so people see what we were doing. So by the time the first deal together it came around, we were ready, we had the relationship, we had the money raised, and we had the knowledge to actually properly vet these property to market, so on and so forth.

So we got brought to a 167 deal, 167 units in Augusta, Georgia, a really solid market that is growing significantly, and these with guys we knew for over a year, and I let Heath finish it.

0:15:51.2 HJ: Yeah, so it was interesting because we got brought in on the 167-unit deal, something I’m fairly proud about because you don’t realize that my first multi-family deal was a 20 or 16 unit and didn’t have any money and I needed a 120K to buy it, so I raised that, but that was from friends and family, and so here comes a big property and we’re committing ourselves to raise half a million dollars, and it was pretty cool that once people were able to wire their money, we had 578K, so we over-raised for our commitment in less than a week.

Which I thought was awesome. The thing when you hear people say, yeah, we raised 5 million in five days, or were raised a million dollars in two weeks or whatever, what people don’t realize is that was 10 or 11 months of relationship building of putting content out onto the social media platforms. A lot of times people have 15 minutes or 20 minutes. Maybe if you’re lucky, 30-minute calls, Hutch and I are at a point where we still can give a little bit more time, and a lot of times we’ll be scheduled for a 15 or a 30-minute call and we talk for 45 minutes or an hour and we haven’t really even discussed anything business-related, because for us it’s not so much the deal or any of those things, were there to ask questions, but we really want to get to know you as a person, we really want to get to know what drives you…

Why are you doing this and fun stuff you’ve done in your life, or half of the time, we don’t even… Talk so much about what’s going on. Because all that information is gonna be there.

0:17:39.0 WS: I think you hit the nail on the head about the 11 months beforehand and people don’t think about that, right. It’s like, Oh, how did he do that? Or, I wanna be able to do that, but you don’t know about all the work that went at all, I was involved so much further before everything that you are consistently doing over time and really just having that faith that it was gonna work it… Tell us about some of those things though that we… Give us some of the top things that were most important in being able to raise over half a million dollars in less than a week.

0:18:08.6 SH: Yes. So be more interested than you’re trying to be interesting. Something I learned from Steve covers, right? So when you get into a call with it with an investor, they call you for a reason, right? That they’re using their time, because we had a podcast when a lot of folks that when it talks to us, they had the feel as if they really know us, so they’re very comfortable talking about the things that they’ve done and the spine to do, they made a conversation a lot smoother, so just be very interested in creative relationship because when all these apartments and money goes away, the relationship… It is what we have. So investors are a by-product of the relationships that we create.

0:18:50.8 WS: Hutch can you… You’re the master networker and you’re talking about be interesting. Or how do you do that? Can you… Are… Can you give the listeners an example of how you do that or think through that when you’re on a call with a new investor?

0:19:02.1 SH: Yes. So it’s very easy for us to get caught up in our own museum, right? And wanted to sell ourself to our investors. But people like to talk about themselves. People, I talk about themselves, their family, their accomplishments, and this is not a tactic, this is just wanting to learn more because it’s really important because when you get into these relationships, it’s three, four, five, eight, eight years until we exit this property, so it’s really important to be able to make that emotional deposits into those relationship up front, so… Right?

0:19:34.1 HJ: You’ve gotta back them too, right?

0:19:36.1 WS: That’s right..

0:19:37.8 SH: So, we want to identify their two biggest thing as far as the investor goes… Are they a good person? Right, and on the investors side, do they have the risk tolerance and do you have the risk capacity to even be invest in a real estate syndication? And that takes a whole bunch of questions. And just the field, we use Zoom, so we can see those facial expression, we can see the confusion, we can tell whenever something does not sit right with them, we can explain or ask more questions.

0:20:06.0 HJ: I think from a … you know, if you’re asking for strategies and approaches while you’re on the actual call, I think a lot of times you start out, hey, where are you at now? Where are you living? How did you get there? Where have you lived in the past? What are some of the things that you’d like to do? What do you do for work? Wow, that’s crazy. How did you get into that? What are some of the fun things you do in your free time, if you had more free time, what would you be doing with it?

There’s a lot of questions that you would just ask someone if you met them at a lunch hour or are… And you’re wanting to get to know them a little bit. That’s the interaction that I think that we all… That’s why we make friends, and so…

0:20:51.0 WS: Before we started interviewing you, you had mentioned like you haven’t met a stranger, I think you said that didn’t engage with you first, you’re more the introverted, I think you speak just 30 seconds on. How do you get past that? I think it’s really difficult for people… Everyone’s not like Hutch, willing to just speak to everyone, and most people are very reserved in the beginning. How did you get past that? And just be able to say, Okay, now I can talk to anybody?

0:21:16.4 HJ: I tell you, you go to these conferences and you’ll see a group of people standing around and you’re like, Hey, I wanna go be in that conversation, but I always felt like she… don’t care…, when he walks by those guys, he’s like, hey, it goes alright. Or just like, hey, you walk up, can I interrupt your conversation so that I can join. So I think you can even look up on YouTube and other things, strategies for saying things that I used to say, hey, I’m sorry to interrupt, but then I learned… You’re like, Oh, I’m sorry, I’m gonna interrupt. But I’m going to anyway, so I say things now, I mind if I join the conversation or I heard you were talking about this.

I have this experience, and so there are ways to interject yourself into a conversation that’s not awkward, and even if it is awkward, as long as you’re authentic about it, that’s fine. Now, getting over the initial fear, that’s just something that you gotta take a deep breath and say, You gotta commit, if it’s like jumping off the diving board into the pool. There’s that moment when you’re like, alright, I’m just gonna go and then you go.

Same thing, you see a group of people that are having an interesting conversation, you wanna be a part of it, take a deep breath and just take the step into it, and hopefully you’ve done some research to find out ways to interact… If that doesn’t come natural to you. But those would be my recommendations.

0:22:34.5 WS: It’s definitely a muscle. Go ahead, Hutch 30 seconds.

0:22:37.0 SH:  Now, I’m saying, especially at a conference that’s where a lot of folks like to talk about their accomplishment to what you’ve done in multi-family, so as long as you’re asking the right questions, whether it’s a passive investor or an active investor, you look at to Billy relationship as long as you ask the right question. Like, Ah, interesting. How do you accomplish that? So what are some of the struggles that you found in that in situation and you get them talking about their experience and people I could talk about themselves, and you’d be surprised how much connection you have with asking the right questions.

0:23:04.5 WS: That’s awesome. So tell me, Guys, you’re looking at a new deal now, how do you prepare for a downturn?

0:23:10.9 SH: Yeah. So this last deal that would sit down, one of the biggest thing, it was a loan assumption, but one of the biggest thing was to make sure that we had a break even significantly lower than we typically on the right, so usually go right around 75%, but this one was right between the high 60s and low 70% as far as as far as occupancy goes. You know, so to break even point what was pretty significant alone, so the market would need to… Or vacancy would need to go crazy upwards, and this is in a market where the average occupancy is over 90%.

So we are conservatively underwriting these deals in good markets, not just any market, we’re looking for good market… Because look, when you look at… And a lot of the gurus would tell you, or they experience investors, they will tell you that when you look at some markets that we’re performing pre-covid, those are the markets were double tend to perform post-covid, if they were on the part of group, path of growth. Now in New York, in San Francisco, not too certain, but I saw a report recently, that talk about all these commercial leasing that was getting signed in Manhattan and these have been signed 50% above what they were in 2019.

So a lot of folks are talking about New York in the commercial space, that those are getting leased up, but when you look at a place like Huntsville, which is our favorite markets, and Phoenix, those in Austin, those areas will continuously grow as long as you buy the deal right.

0:24:33.2 WS: Do you all have any predictions for the real estate market over the next six to 12 months,

0:24:37.0 HJ: So we’re multi-family focused, but if you got some houses or some town homes that you wanna have rental property… So for me and my wife, we bought a couple of single-family town homes, which are our kids, college funds. Have some cash ready to start scooping up some properties that may be coming on the market, it’s crazy right now, but I might be frenzy here soon.

0:25:01.5 SH: I don’t think any of us have a crystal ball. Right now, it should be a huge sell-off, right, remember this stuff by this time last year, almost this time last year, a lot of folks are talking about how covid is going to affect the markets and how in the summer, he’s talk about Q3 and Q4, Q two three and four is gonna be the good, bad and ugly, that didn’t really happen. So it’s gonna be interesting to see what happened this year, but we continue to continue to build a relationship to where if we see those properties that have good fundamentals and we can do a loan assumption or purchase a properties for pennies on the dollars, we will be ready.

0:25:35.6 WS: Give us a daily habit that each of you have, that you’re very disciplined about, that have helped you achieve success, and are you still doing the accountability thing about being up in the morning…

0:25:45.0 HJ: So for me, one thing that I do every morning is I check the bank accounts for both business and personal. I update my spreadsheets daily. It’s just good to know that everything’s going the way it’s supposed to, if I need to add something, am I gonna be able to cover it? So that’s one of my big habits that I do every day, as far as getting up at four every morning, covid had put a dent in my race schedule ’cause everything was cancelled, and so I still get up at four a few times a week, other times a week, I try to make sure that I’m getting the adequate rest that need, but Hutch and I are still meeting and doing the things that we need to to push the business forward.

0:26:30.2 SH: Aside from waking up and this for plan, we got things we need to work and wait before we work on it, and that’s usually maybe maybe two or two times a week, but my one thing in the morning, so I drive to work with Athena, right? It’s important that in a relationship, you grow together so I have the ability to talk to her about the things that I’m thinking and get to pretty much capture her in the car, right? And get our undivided attention. She had my undivided attention to talk about things that are important to us so we can grow together, that is the most magical time of my day.

0:27:01.7 WS: But what about your as best source for meeting new investors right now?

0:27:04.5 SH: I like LinkedIn, I believe LinkedIn where you can create some meaningful relationship, so we send a lot of connection requests and make an effort to identify those people who might be at what we call the avatar. For us, they are retired veterans, right? Because our goal is to provide investment opportunity to 100 veterans in the next 24 months on then march through a 1000 doors. Additionally, we’re giving back 10% of all our acquisition fees to a non-profit organization that benefits or Veterans, So meet the veteran in LinkedIn send them a quick message with an introduction of who we are and nothing spamming and let’s get a conversation flowing. To learn a little bit more of who they are until we can get them on a zoom call.

0:27:46.0 HJ: We also started the Southeast multi-family meet-up, that’s every Monday at 7 PM Central, and that has grown considerably since we started that, and that is another place where people get to come learn about the market, learn… We have a guest on each week to go into things, we’ve had Ratcliff on there, we’ve had no vavs come in next week, so we are helping people network within that ecosystem as well, and so a lot of people come in, they hear us speak, they hear the guests, we bring on… And that’s another avenue.

0:28:19.0 WS: Nice. Or guys, I know you mentioned that they’re a little bit , Hutch, I always like to ask how people like to give back…

0:28:25.5 SH: Yeah. So he’ve mentioned earlier, the problem I was trying to solve was fixing a 15% gap in the space, and for me, I was inspired to replace this passion because Athena told me, Shelon, I’m concerned about when you retire… If she believed that after I retire to the marine corp, I’m gonna wake up Saturday morning, dress in my uniform and instead of sitting in the living room. I have to replace that passion. And I’m super passionate, passionate about real estate, so my goal for getting the multi-family was to, one, replace that 50% income that I will lose when I retire and also find a new passion.

Now, what we have identified since then is that it’s not really a bottom of money, right, when you see the power of the multi-found space and the impact that you can make in the community, and the impact you can make on other people’s life as they build their financial wealth, and they can also give back to the cause that they believe in as well, we realize that it’s way more powerful than just replacing the passion or just 15% in your income, and that’s when we decide that our path to give back is to give back to non-profit organization that benefits our veteran and 10% of all our acquisition fee will be going towards non-profit organization that benefits our Veterans.

0:29:39.0 HJ: Those are beautiful realization that occurs when you realize you have the power to be an agent of transformation for others. And that was something that we talked about a lot while we were driving back and forth between Huntsville is not only are we able to help our families, but if we are able to get someone else who didn’t know that this was a thing or not on the order of Kiyosaki or anything. But if we could impact people’s lives by one, showing them how to help build their financial wealth or give back to programs that support the things that we care about, that was just an amazing moment of clarity about the space and why we love multi-family investing so much.

0:30:21.0 WS: For sure. It’s incredible what happens when you desire to give in a big way, and just see how many other people really desire to give as well and wanna join you, and so that’s incredible. What you guys are doing, it’s been, like I said, great to see you’re all success and how that’s happened and hear more about the details of your partnership, and I just think it’s neat to hear too… Just that accountability piece, because I hear all the time about how do I know that this is the right partnership?

Right, I get that question often, and I’ll talk about our experience at my business partner and I and other partnerships as well, but I don’t know that I’ve heard that, and I think that that’s an incredible way to say, hey, let’s be an accountability partner for a while, and help me hold me accountable to these things or vice versa, and you’re gonna get to know each other a lot through that, I think, and so I love that thought process through that, but also just how you’ll explain to being able to raise the money… Raising almost 600,000 less than a week, that doesn’t happen, just because you send out a random email one time or even two… you know.

That took a lot of work getting to that point, I know that first hand, just the work that went in behind making that happen, and so congratulations for one to your success in that, but tell the listeners how they get in touch with you and learn more about you.

0:31:30.0 HJ:  You can go to our website,, email me at [email protected], and LinkedIn our primary. We do have a Facebook group for the podcast, a multi-family real estate experiment Facebook group.

0:31:46.2 SH: Yeah, so on LinkedIn, I’m Hutch of the marine investor on LinkedIn, and you can connect with me that way, that’s a Monday, almost every day, or you can just shoot me a text at 850-466-8490. That’s my direct number.



0:31:59.0 ANNOUNCER: Thank you for listening to the Real Estate Syndication Show, brought to you by Life Bridge Capital. Life Bridge Capital works with investors nationwide to invest in real estate while also donating 50% of its profits to assist parents who are committing to adoption. Life Bridge Capital, making a difference one investor and one child at a time. Connect online at for free material and videos to further your success.



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