WS1030: Take Control of Your Hustle with Whitney Sewell | #MindsetMonday

In this special #MindsetMonday episode, our very own Whitney Sewell shares some nuggets of inspiration for all of us! He talks about the one tangible thing we can do to change the direction of our life – HUSTLE! It’s what differentiates entrepreneurs who succeed from those who don’t. Hustle is taking control of every hour and every minute of your day to make big things happen.

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If you want to live the life of a successful entrepreneur, then you’ve got to take control of your hustle! But what exactly does it mean? How do you do it? Tune in as Whitney shares his own experiences and realizations about this topic that has resonated with him in a big way!

Key Points From This Episode:   

  • People transform themselves by increasing their hustle.
  • You don’t have to be born with it. You just need to take control of it.
  • You have to be willing to do more than the competition. You don’t even have to be better than them, you just have to hustle.
  • You need to figure out what it is that will take you where you want to go then spend more time doing it.
  • You have to do it every single day. Be consistent.
  • Everyone does not do it not because they can’t but because they choose not to.
  • Educate yourself. 
  • Share what you learn with others.
  • Let go of time-wasters. Be productive.
  • Be willing to leave your comfort zone. Push yourself forward.

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“You have to take control of every hour, every minute of your day to make big things happen, to do something different than what everyone else is doing, what everyone else thinks, you have to be willing to take control and make things happen, and that is typically through hustle.” [0:03:03.9]

 “It was because I was willing to hustle in the beginning, I was willing to take control of my time. I was willing to start educating myself. I was willing to start getting up early every morning, so even while I was working full-time, had that day job. I could still begin to educate myself and be very consistent on a daily basis, every day.” [0:05:10.0]

I believe that if I can do it, I know you can do it. However, I find that everyone does not do it, and it’s not because they can’t, but it’s because they choose not to, they choose to do other things, they choose to make other things important.[0:06:30.0]

“There’s so many things that will pull you away from productive activity, even if you’re getting up early, you could still be wasting that time. But you are making a choice, and I want you to know that if I can do it, you can do it also, that you can hustle, it can be learned, you can hustle. I hope today, you will think through not just your morning routine, but even your day, how you’re spending your time, where you’re going. Right there, you said you just have to spend more time doing whatever it is that takes you where you want to go.” [0:07:10.0]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Whitney Sewell on Facebook

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The LIfe Bridge Capital website

#AskGaryVee: One Entrepreneur’s Take on Leadership, Social Media, and Self-Awareness

About Whitney Sewell

Whitney Sewell is a country boy from rural Kentucky. He grew up riding horses and has always driven a Chevy truck. He is a veteran of the Army National Guard and spent all of 2005 deployed in Iraq. He was awarded the Soldier of the year that year. When he arrived home he began working for the Kentucky State Police and courting his lovely wife, to whom he’s been married for 10 years. Whitney and his wife, Chelsea, have three children who came to their family by adoption. 

They began investing in real estate in 2009 when it became clear that a career in law enforcement was not going to afford them the ability to live off one income as they desired. In 2017, they started Life Bridge Capital LLC, working with accredited investors and helping them improve their investment returns via the exceptional opportunities that multifamily syndication offers. Whitney has always had a passion for both real estate and helping others, and Life Bridge Capital LLC affords him the opportunity to do both, while also funding a very important cause that has become deeply personal.  This becomes the best of both worlds for investors. 

Through working with Whitney, investors not only receive exceptional returns financially but also change both the lives of orphans around the world and the lives of the families who adopt them. Whitney is quick to point out that while this is his own passion, he doesn’t make this the main focus to investors, but does hope a certain percentage feel good about what Life Bridge Capital does. 

“We provide a fantastic return for our investors, and that’s why someone should invest with us first and foremost. However, it is my hope that this component of our business – us giving 50% of our own profit to adoption – perhaps helps sway someone to work with us, assuming all else is equal, of course. This is our calling, but our investors can smile knowing that just by working with us, they helped a little bit too.”  

They have now invested in over 900 doors valued over $120 million.  

Whitney is the host of The Real Estate Syndication Show, a daily podcast where he interviews experts in the real estate syndication business and provides essential content for his listeners. Life Bridge Capital’s motto is: making a difference one investor, one child, at a time.

Full Transcript


[0:00:0.0] ANNOUNCER: Welcome to The Real Estate Syndication Show. Whether you are a seasoned investor or building a new real estate business, this is the show for you. Whitney Sewell talks to top experts in the business. Our goal is to help you master real estate syndication.

And now your host, Whitney Sewell. 


[0:00:28.2] WS: This is your Daily Real Estate Show. It’s interesting this past week, well actually just yesterday, my computer was hit by lightning and it will not even turn on. It’s amazing the things that change when you do not have your computer or the ways you have to overcome right, and that’s just the entrepreneurial journey in a nutshell, right there. Things happen, you can’t plan for it, but you have to be willing to adapt and overcome, and often it makes us uncomfortable and pushes us in ways that we would not have gone otherwise. If you have been following me for a very long at all, you’ve heard me talk about my morning routine, you’ve heard me talk about how I got started in real estate, I’m gonna share just some nuggets of that today, but mostly I’m gonna share something new with you that I’ve been learning about one thing that… What I’ve been thinking about is even the motivation behind everything we’ve done over the last few years, it came from the change of my morning routine and educating myself and just taking in as much knowledge as I could from others… Right, and that’s something that’s happening right now. Something that I read this morning just resonated with me in such a big way, it just connected with my story in a big way, and I hope that it motivates you this week, and so one thing I’m reading right now, and I highly recommend if you’re in almost any business, but is the #AskGaryVee: One Entrepreneur’s Take on Leadership, Social Media, and Self-Awareness.

[0:01:50.4] WS: So if you’re looking on YouTube, I’m holding it up right now so you can see it, that man, this chapter just resonated with me in a big way, and I hope that it will motivate you right now to step out there and make it happen. The name of the chapter, it’s chapter 6 in that book, and it’s called Hustle. And the very first thing he says is, here’s a question that no one has asked me yet, and what is the one tangible thing people can do to change the direction of their lives? The one tangible thing… And it’s hustle. It is hustle. He says, Anyone who follow sports and especially drafts knows that a less gifted competitor can out-play even the most naturally talented athlete, if that competitor has more hustle. Similarly, it’s hustle, not talent, that is a differentiator between entrepreneurs who succeed in those who don’t… He says, I’ve never seen anyone increase his or her natural talent, but I have seen people transform themselves by increasing their hustle, he talks about even if hustle is not in your DNA, you can still get it. You can still get it. I want you to think about that.

[0:03:03.9] WS: It doesn’t have to be this thing that you were born with. You can still get it, you can still learn to hustle and hustle something that you personally are in complete control of, he talks about it about being a complete control of it. It’s just eye-opening. Right, and I’ve seen it in my personal life. You have to take control of every hour, every minute of your day to make big things happen, to do something different than what everyone else is doing, what everyone else thinks, you have to be willing to take control and make things happen, and that is typically through hustle. And more hustle than what others are willing to do, so he goes on later to say, If you want to turn up the hustle, you just have to spend more time doing whatever it is that takes you where you want to go. You obviously, you have to figure out what is that… What is that that’s going to take you where you want to go and spend more time doing it? It says you just have to be willing to do more than the competition, you don’t even have to be better than them, but you do have to do more than them, you have to hustle.

[0:04:09.2] WS: And then he says you have to do it every single day. So I think it’s interesting to think about the last few years and how we did the podcast now we’ve done over a thousand shows, and it’s been every day, and it’s so much bigger, it’s so much more content than what most people ever thought about producing, and I didn’t even know at first, obviously, what that was going to take, the commitment level, I was going to take, the amount of hustle that it not only took for me, but for my bride, my family, my kids as well, it definitely pushed us in ways that we never… thought were possible, and it’s pushed me in places and to do things and to accomplish things that I’d never imagined. Before the podcast, I didn’t even know hardly what a podcast was, and then I’d never imagined speaking on a mic, and now I’ve spoken so much over 1000 episodes, obviously, I’ve been interviewed hundreds of times on other shows, I’ve spoken on stages of hundreds of people and thousands of people never imagined being able to do that, but it was because I was willing to hustle in the beginning, I was willing to take control of my time I was willing to start educating myself, I was willing to start getting up early every morning, so even while I was working full-time, had that day job, I could still begin to educate myself and be very consistent on a daily basis, every day.

[0:05:27.2] WS: I was in taking something that is teaching me and even that helps them motivate me, just like this, I was reading this this morning, I’m like, Wow, I can relate to that and I can help share this with others, and hopefully it motivates them also. So whether you are trying to get into the syndication business actively or passively, or some other business altogether, man, you need to know this. I had somebody interviewing me a few weeks back, and one thing he said, he’s known me for a couple of years, and he knows about the podcast and those things, and one thing you said, and I could have been a little offended at this, but I understand it completely, but he said, “You know what, if Whitney can do this, anybody can do it.” And I’ve said that from the big stages, I say that often, ’cause I want people to know, that I believe that also if I can do it, I know you can do it. However, I find that everyone does not do it, and it’s not because they can’t, but it’s because they choose not to, they choose to do other things, they choose to make other things important. So they wanna live that life…

[0:06:22.8] WS: as a successful entrepreneur. But they do not want to walk the journey and take the path that it’s gonna take for a few years to make that happen. They do not want to do it. It’s too uncomfortable. It is too uncomfortable. And so they do not want to take that path. And so I encourage you to think about that, think about the things you’re doing today that’s not pushing you forward in anyway, it may be watching Netflix or Amazon Prime, or I don’t know, it may be doing something else completely different, or playing video games. It’s just the first couple of things I’ve thought of, there’s so many things that will pull you away from productive activity, even if you’re getting up early, you could still be wasting that time. But you are making a choice, and I want you to know that if I can do it, you can do it also, that you can hustle, it can be learned, you can hustle. I hope today, you will think through not just your morning routine, but even your day, how you’re spending your time, where you’re going. Right there, you said you just have to spend more time doing whatever it is that takes you where you want to go, so…

[0:07:24.6] WS: Do you even know what that is? Do you know where you wanna be a year from now? Do you know where you wanna be five years from now? You need to think about that at least a year from now, and then just reverse engineer, what do I have to do to make that happen? And let’s say that you only reach half of that goal in that year, well, guess what, you are so much further ahead than you would have been if you had done nothing, so I hope you will consider that today and know that, Hey, if I can do this you can do it, you just have to be willing to be uncomfortable. I’ll even share… There’s a group of entrepreneurs, I’ve shared it maybe on the show before, over the last little bit that through to entrepreneurs, I encourage a look at, called C-12 is an amazing group of entrepreneurs or are most cities across the country, you can probably find when they’re a small group of guys and different businesses, but just helping each other, and they pass out this bracelet last month, I don’t wear bracelets typically, but this one said, “Pursue discomfort.” and I thought, “You know what, I’m gonna wear that for a bit and just keep reminding myself with that.” I even ask for a couple extra so I could get my boys one as well, I want them to think that way also, if we just always stay comfortable, we’re never gonna hustle, we’re never gonna put ourselves out there, we’re never going to go make things happen outside of the norm, right.

[0:08:30.0] WS: Outside of just what we do every day and what everybody else is doing, what our friends or maybe our family is doing, but you know what, that bracelet helps me to remember, Hey, if I’m not ever uncomfortable then I’m not growing right, and when I’m uncomfortable, I’m gonna quickly commit to say, you know, someone asked me to speak, and I remember hearing especially somebody asked me to speak and I meet out and that comes up in your threat, that nervousness, and I have to teach myself to quickly commit… Fill that discomfort, I’m like, Yes, I’ll do it. ’cause I know there’s growth there as a mindset, shit, the hope that you are making also that you are moving forward and just being uncomfortable, making yourself be uncomfortable, so you are pushing yourself in ways… that, You know what, probably most of your family and friends are not. So I hope this is motivating you, I hope you are willing to take control of your hustle and you are willing to take control of your life ultimately, and let me know how I can help you, I hope that you have subscribed, hope that you have turned that notification on, so you know when I’m submitting other videos, they’re amazing guests on the show, but please just subscribe, hit that button so YouTube or the podcast people. Yeah, they know that, Hey, this is a great show, and we’re helping other people. Have a blessed day. 

[0:09:37.0] ANNOUNCER: Thank you for listening to The Real Estate Syndication Show, brought to you by Life Bridge Capital. Life Bridge Capital works with investors nationwide to invest in real estate while also donating 50% of its profits to assist parents who are committing to adoption, Life Bridge Capital, making a difference one investor and one child at a time. Connect online at for free material and videos to further your success. 


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