Highlights Show
WS1165 – Blake Selby From being a famous rapper in Chicago, collaborating with Kanye West, and having over a million streams on Spotify, Blake Selby decided to shift to real estate investing and private lending. In about seven years of working in real estate, Blake has achieved a net worth of almost $10 million. But the best part is, he’s got $5 million in paid-off assets! That’s not a typical path to real estate! https://lifebridgecapital.com/?s=1165
WS1069 – George Roberts George Roberts talks about his interesting background as a bio-scientist and then moved on to computer science, then to construction, and then syndication. His love for business has led him down to different paths. Now, he’s doing what he loves most – the real estate business. https://lifebridgecapital.com/2021/09/24/ws1069-my-journey-from-construction-to-real-estate-syndication-with-george-roberts/
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