WS1817 Pivoting Into New Asset Classes | Devin Elder

Ever wondered about the potential returns on real estate investments beyond multifamily properties? Look no further! Devon Elder, an experienced investor, has discovered a unique strategy that involves buying large plots of land and selling them in smaller pieces to a wider buyer pool. In a fascinating interview, Devon shares his personal journey of purchasing a ranch and how it led him to this innovative approach.

But Devon doesn’t stop there. He delves into various investment strategies that have proven to be highly profitable for his investors. From cash purchases to land deals and industrial projects, he demonstrates the versatility and untapped potential of real estate investments. If you’re seeking a fresh perspective and innovative ways to enhance your portfolio, Devon’s insights are a must-listen.

By exploring these alternative strategies, such as real estate partnerships, impact investing, hard money loans, private notes, real estate crowdfunding, real estate syndication, raw land, and more, you can enjoy quicker returns with significantly less due diligence and management. It’s time to unlock the true potential of your real estate investments!

Visit Devon’s website and listen to his podcast to discover even more alternative strategies that yield quicker returns with less management. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your portfolio!

Watch the podcast here:

Listen to the podcast here:



About Devin Elder:

Devin Elder serves as the Founder & CEO of DJE Texas Management Group, a vertically integrated MFIN firm in San Antonio. With a strong track record dating back to 2012, Devin has successfully completed numerous projects, including full cycle MFINs. Additionally, he holds the position of principal in over 5,000 doors, showcasing his expertise beyond real estate. Devin is also an accomplished pilot, podcast host, and brokerage owner, adding to his diverse range of talents. Furthermore, he is the founder of the DJE Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting disadvantaged children in Texas and the Philippines. With a background in sales and operations, Devin brings extensive knowledge and experience to his ventures.

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