WS1845 Self – Directed Investments in Life Bridge Capital Deals | Mat Sorensen

Join us as we welcome our  guest, Mat Sorensen, an esteemed attorney and author who simplifies the complexities of investing in retirement accounts. Mat shares valuable insights on how to make the most of your retirement funds, going beyond traditional stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.

Discover the differences between traditional and Roth accounts, and learn how to leverage self-directed IRA and 401k accounts to invest in real estate and private funds. Mat also reveals the exciting potential of investing using Health Savings Accounts (HSA).

But that’s not all – Mat’s wealth of knowledge extends to navigating the hurdles of self-directed retirement accounts, understanding the rules and regulations, and making informed decisions about transferring funds from Roth or 401K accounts. We’ll also delve into the process of investing retirement funds in real estate, addressing restrictions, documentation requirements, and common pitfalls.

Whether you’re looking to maximize the growth of your retirement account or just beginning to explore the investment landscape, this episode is a treasure trove of insights and tips to help you achieve your financial goals. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain valuable knowledge from an expert in the field.

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About Mat Sorensen:

Mat Sorensen, the Founder and CEO of Directed IRA & Directed Trust Company, oversees more than $1B in assets. He provides self-directed accounts to investors across the nation. As an attorney and real estate investor, Mat has established himself as a national speaker and expert on self-directed retirement accounts. His bestselling book, “The Self-Directed IRA Handbook”, is the industry’s most widely referenced guide, with sales exceeding 35,000 copies. Entrepreneur recognizes Mat’s expertise, featuring him as a VIP contributor. Top-tier media outlets such as the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and The Guardian have cited his insights. In addition to his finance work, Mat holds a Senior Partner position at KKOS Lawyers.

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