WS1924 Navigating Real Estate Challenges | Highlights Tony Lopes & Marc Kuhn

In today’s episode, we’ve compiled highlights from recent shows, featuring incredible guests who shared entrepreneurial journeys, real estate insights, and valuable advice for investors.

Tony Lopes, our first guest, shared his inspiring journey from a layoff to real estate success. Starting with a four-unit building, he emphasized the importance of starting small and scaling up gradually, debunking the myth of needing large-scale investments immediately. Tony also introduced his venture, Dirty Boots Capital, combining on-the-ground experience with economic analysis to guide investors.

Our second guest, Marc Kuhn, transitioned from concrete work to real estate entrepreneurship. Facing a job loss and panic attack, he stressed the need for a business that operates independently. Marc discussed leveraging time, money, and media, highlighting the pivotal role of a business coach in his success.

Connect with our guests: Find Tony Lopes on Dirty Boots Capital and Marc Kuhn on LinkedIn for insights on creative financing and real estate investing.

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About Tony Lopes:

Tony Lopes, a first-generation American, investor, consultant, real estate professional, and macroeconomic enthusiast, holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering and an MBA from UMass. With 19 years in the defense industry, managing multi-million dollar programs, he simultaneously built a lucrative portfolio of residential income properties. His strategic investments and market acumen enabled him to retire at 44. Today, he coaches others seeking a more fulfilling life. Gain insights from Tony’s journey in the book “Freedom at Risk.”

Marc Kuhn:

Entrepreneur Marc Kuhn started in construction in 1994 at $1 per hour, steadily growing his father’s company with annual raises. In 2010, with $2,500 in his bank account, he founded MAK Construction, now a multi-million-dollar enterprise with over 200 Midwest units. Marc’s real estate success led to financial freedom, and he now owns three thriving companies with eight-figure annual revenues, inspiring others to achieve the same.


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