What do you need to win in real estate investing? This episode of The Real Estate Syndication Show, with guest host Jim Pfeifer and expert Clint Harris from Nomad Capital, dives into that question. Clint recounts moving from a 16-year stint in medical sales to securing financial freedom through real estate. He highlights the critical blend of financial, time, and location freedom, achieving what he dubs “independence of purpose.”

Key Insights:

  • Crucial Success Elements: For real estate victory, time, experience, and money are vital. Luckily, partnering with the experienced can bridge any gaps in know-how.
  • Self-Storage Syndication Benefits: Transforming outdated big-box stores into self-storage spaces can lead to purchasing below market value. Such conversions significantly boost property value.
  • Shifts in Demographics: Increasingly, millennials are turning to self-storage, using it uniquely compared to past generations. This trend boosts demand, especially in less saturated markets.

Connect with Clint at [email protected], or visit Nomad Capital for deeper insights. Catch more wisdom on the Truly Passive Income podcast.

Jim Pfeifer, today’s guest host and the mind behind Left Field Investors, fosters a community focused on achieving financial freedom through passive investment in tangible assets. For more details, explore www.leftfieldinvestors.com or email Jim at [email protected].

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About Clint Harris:

Clint Harris is a professional real estate investor, entrepreneur, and handles capital raising and investor relations at Nomad Capital. He owns Going Coastal Property Management and hosts the Truly Passive Income podcast. With a background in medical sales, Clint built a lucrative multifamily real estate portfolio, converted to high-performing AirBnB properties. Frustrated with management services, he founded Going Coastal Property Management. For diversification, Clint transitioned to self-storage investments, eventually joining Nomad Capital as a general partner, buying old big box retail buildings and converting them to self storage. Having raised capital for over $100 million in stabilized assets, his mission is to inspire financial, location, and time independence for investors.


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