
Whitney Sewell
RES 286 | Self-Directed Solo 401(k)
Listen to the podcast here: Dmitriy Fomichenko, real estate investor and President of Sense Financial Services, LLC, teaches us how to shelter hundreds of thousands of dollars from retirement funds or income from taxes through the self-directed solo 401(k). He talks about the pros and cons of checkbook control, the impact of having a custodian,...
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Listen to the podcast here: Did you know that you have 31 months to increase the bases of the property by 100% to be a Qualified Opportunity Zone? Real estate developer Andrew Greer explains why this is the best thing that has hit the real estate industry and shares some tips on how to acquire...
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Listen to the podcast here: Todd Palmer thought he had a successful business, but he experienced what he calls impostor syndrome. He was quickly at the bottom. He then fired all his employees, hired a coach, and made INC 500 within a year. Today, he explains how “ATV” (authenticity, transparency, vulnerability) are the personal changes...
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RES 283 | Incorporating 1031 Investors
Listen to the podcast here: Being in the world of real estate syndication requires not just simple knowledge but rather complex ones that require years of experience. Ken Holman, the President and CEO of Overland Group, talks about their fully integrated real estate company and how their family grew it into something massive in the...
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RES 282 | Mindset To Succeed
Listen to the podcast here: It’s one thing to get back up after a tremendous fall. It’s another to give back to others even after that. Rod Khleif is a multiple business owner and philanthropist who is passionate about real estate, business, and giving back. After losing $50 million in the crash of 2008, Rod...
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RES 281 | Mobile Home Parks
Listen to the podcast here: Seldom do investors remain in the same place from where they started their investment career. Some even find themselves going from one country to another. Ekaterina Stepanova has been in that position, from starting in Moscow, Russia to New York City and finally ending up in Memphis, Tennessee. Bringing her...
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RES 280 | Multifamily Insurance Industry
Listen to the podcast here: The insurance industry is often so spread out to a variety of different niches that it has become difficult for investors to find the total protection they need. Providing a solution to this issue is Bryan Shimeall of Multifamily Risk Advisors. MRA are the experts when it comes to the...
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RES 279 | Real Estate Partnership
Listen to the podcast here: Many real estate investors got their start in the business from odd places. Kris Kaufman’s real estate journey started in the back of a box truck working for a college. After officially creating a partnership with a lifelong friend and formed Firm Foundations, LLC, Kris finally worked himself out of...
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RES 278 | Tax Lawyers
Listen to the podcast here: In real estate deals, you will encounter numerous documents and operating agreements during the buying process. Going through each one of them can be very tedious, so we hire advisors like CPAs and lawyers to take care of the paperwork for us. However, these advisors can’t always keep on top...
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RES 277 | Underwriting Properties
Listen to the podcast here: The thing about underwriting is people always want to find an easy way to do it. Brian Burke, the President and CEO of Praxis Capital Inc., says that is not how it works. Brian joins us to guide us through the steps of doing it right, sharing the three important...
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