
WS1573: Using IRA & 401(k) Money for Syndications | Mat Sorensen

If you have not considered tapping a self-directed IRA and 401(k) in investing in multifamily syndication, then you better listen to this episode to learn how you can do that and start earning. In this episode, Josh McCallen speaks with Mat Sorensen who is an attorney, podcast host, entrepreneur, and author of the best-selling book, […]

Lessons from Syndicating Smaller Deals

While it is often thought that real estate syndication can only be done with large properties such as apartments and commercial real estate buildings, it is in fact possible to pool smaller capital from investors to purchase a smaller property such as a six-unit multifamily. Aaron Fragnito, co-founder of Peoples Capital Group (PCG), has found […]

WS1571: Connecting With High-Net-Worth Individuals | Joel Friedland

More than the infrastructure and the lot, real estate is a people’s business. In the last episode of our two-part series with seasoned real estate entrepreneur Joel Friedland, he shares the secret on how to build connections, especially with potential investors such as high-net-worth individuals. Our Gracious Sponsors: Vox Valens Media The team that produces […]

WS1570: Doing Deals With Zero Debt | Joel Friedland

How do you recover from a big challenge, like a recession? How does your mental health affect your business decision-making?  In this first episode of our two-part series with successful real estate entrepreneur Joel Friedland, he answers these questions and more! Joel uncovers the secret of how to do deals with zero debt and describes […]

WS1567: Technology For Real Estate Business | #Highlights

Leveraging the power of technology can go a long way in streamlining operations, especially for real estate businesses. In today’s #Highlights episode, we feature our conversations again with DJ Scruggs of REI DAO and Badri Malynur of Avestor. The two share the software and platform that you can utilize to help you in your real […]

WS1566: Single-Handedly Creating an Empire | Melanie Bajrovic

Another person’s success story is a manifestation that it’s possible for you to achieve bigger things as well! Today’s guest, Melanie Bajrovic, shares how she went from her bar business at the age of 12 to buying her own house at 22 and eventually building an empire of multiple real estate assets of her own […]