
WS1373: Scaling A Senior Housing Business | Adam Benton

As the population of seniors continues to grow, the demand for senior living communities continues to increase as well.  With the emergence of new trends in senior housing beyond just the traditional brick-and-mortar health care settings, senior housing business owners are challenged to develop and scale up to provide high-quality, desirable senior housing where people […]

WS1371: Scale Your Business With A Team | #Highlights

If there’s one proven key to scaling your real estate business fast, it is building an effective team that will help you every step of the way. In today’s #Highlights episode, we feature our conversations again with real estate entrepreneurs Josh Sterling and Vince Gethings who shared how their teams have helped them and their […]

WS1370: What Passive Investors Want | Nancy Huynh

Do you know what your passive investors want? Our guest today, Nancy Huynh of Clear Vision Investing details what passive investors are looking into when they are investing in a deal. Nancy also discusses impact investing and how this can be beneficial to your real estate business. Watch the episode here: Listen to the podcast […]

SEC Compliance: Rule 506(b) vs. 506(c)

Did you know that decades ago, investing in real estate used to be nearly impossible for smaller investors? Once the domain of only the rich and well-connected, recent Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) rulings have removed the barriers for smaller investors and have made real estate syndication a popular way to invest. Many have been […]

WS1367: Why Parking Lots Are A Good Investment|Kevin Bupp

Real estate investors who are constantly seeking to diversify their portfolios are discovering a profitable, unique investment option in parking lots and car parks. Many have found success in niche real estate sectors which also include mobile home parks and self-storage. So, what makes parking lots a good investment?  Our Gracious Sponsor Vox Valens MediaThe […]