WS1810 Buying Real Estate With IRAS & 401ks | Mat Sorensen

Unlock the full potential of your retirement accounts, leverage them for real estate or private investments, and make your retirement money work harder for you with our guest, Mat Sorensen. As the founder and CEO of Directed IRA and Directed Trust Company, a seasoned attorney, successful real estate investor, and bestselling author, Mat brings a wealth of knowledge on self-directed retirement accounts.

Envision the possibilities if your IRA or 401k could generate substantial returns through real estate investment. Mat illuminates the power of a solo 401k, particularly for self-employed individuals, and shares a fascinating case of a client who earned a million dollars tax-free through a real estate option via his Roth IRA. We dive deep into strategies for leveraging an average investor’s starting point of $50,000, and the benefits that come from a professional investor’s $6,500 annual contribution.

We delve into various retirement account strategies, clarifying the distinctions between 401Ks, IRAs, and Roth accounts. Mat unveils the tax benefits of traditional accounts and how they can bolster your financial wellbeing. Not to mention, we examine the Roth conversion process – a savvy approach to avoid taxes during your retirement withdrawal. This episode is brimming with insights that could revolutionize your retirement investment strategy. So, tune in, take notes, and reshape your financial future!

Ready to reshape your financial future? Don’t wait! Visit Mat’s website,, to dive deeper into self-directed retirement accounts. Whether you’re a novice or seasoned investor, there’s a wealth of knowledge waiting for you. Start exploring today and take the first step towards a more prosperous retirement.

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About Mat Sorensen:

Mat Sorensen is the Founder and CEO of Directed IRA & Directed Trust Company, managing over $1B in assets and providing self-directed accounts to investors nationwide. As an attorney and real estate investor, Mat has solidified his position as a national speaker and expert on self-directed retirement accounts. His bestselling book, “The Self-Directed IRA Handbook”, is the most widely referenced guide in the industry, with over 35,000 copies sold. Mat’s expertise is recognized by Entrepreneur, where he serves as a VIP contributor. His insights have been cited by top-tier media outlets including the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and The Guardian. Beyond his work in finance, Mat is a Senior Partner at KKOS Lawyers.

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