WS1840 Track These Numbers To Grow Your Business | Highlights Whitney Sewell

Are you struggling to navigate your team towards clear-cut, measurable goals? Are you feeling adrift in the sea of business uncertainty? Join us on this highlight episode as we explore the art of crafting a solid organizational direction. Drawing inspiration from Lee Benson’s enlightening book, “Your Most Important Number,” we delve into the importance of scoring and how a well-defined RRK (Roles, Responsibilities, and Key numbers) for each employee can fuel your organization’s engine.

Do you find yourself spending more time ‘eating’ instead of ‘dreaming’? Eating signifies short-term gains, while dreaming is all about strategic planning for a prosperous future. Discover the fascinating dichotomy between short-term and long-term thinking as we reveal how successful leaders spend a whopping 80% of their time dreaming. We discuss the importance of tying culture with financial performance and generating value for all stakeholders. Additionally, we shed light on the critical element of alignment, ensuring everyone is rowing in the same direction, driven by a shared ‘most important number.’

Crafting a strategy is just the beginning; the real challenge lies in execution. We explore the common hurdles that senior leadership teams face in bringing their strategic plans to life. Dive into the art of decision-making, as we highlight five categories of critical decisions that can make or break your organization’s top number. We also emphasize the dangers of underperforming leaders and the power of ‘aspirational winning’ within an organization. Lastly, we stress the importance of open conversations and effort in aligning your team. Tune in  and learn how to steer your organization towards uncharted regions of success!

To listen to the full episodes and dive deeper into the topics discussed, click on the links below. Don’t miss out on the valuable insights and strategies shared.

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About Whitney Sewell

Founder of Life Bridge Capital LLC, Whitney began his real estate investing career in 2009. Whitney’s passion is working with investors, helping them secure financial security via the exceptional opportunities that multifamily syndication offers. Whitney hosts The Real Estate Syndication Show, a daily podcast where he has now interviewed over 1300 experts providing cutting-edge tools and strategies of the syndication business. 

Whitney and his wife Chelsea are on a mission to help other families through the process of adoption.  They have personally endured the financial burdens that the process puts on families and have committed 50% of their profits to this goal, through his non-profit, Omnah Foundation.  Whitney and Chelsea have three children by adoption.

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