WS1719 The Metrics You Should Know and Measure to Grow Your Business | Whitney Sewell

Do you ever feel like you’re constantly moving, yet unsure if you’re truly progressing? You’re not alone. In our newest episode, we delve into the importance of understanding your organization’s direction and utilizing tools to track its advancement. We draw insights from Lee Benson’s insightful book, ‘Your Most Important Number’. We also share our personal journey at Lightbridge Capital, where strategies similar to Traction and EOS have been incorporated, and how the RRK platform has revolutionized clarity in roles, responsibilities, and expectations for our team.

Have you ever asked yourself: are you dreaming or just going through the motions? We explore this captivating idea that separates visionary leaders from those constantly putting out fires instead of concentrating on the broader vision. Concurrently, we emphasize the crucial connection between a purposeful organizational culture and financial performance.

But, we don’t stop there. We transition into the field of real estate and passive investing, offering invaluable tips on building a lucrative portfolio, forming a successful team, keeping up with market trends, and optimizing your resources. Are you prepared to revolutionize your leadership and investment journey? Tune into our latest episode!

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About Whitney Sewell

Founder of Life Bridge Capital LLC, Whitney began his real estate investing career in 2009. Whitney’s passion is working with investors, helping them secure financial security via the exceptional opportunities that multifamily syndication offers. Whitney hosts The Real Estate Syndication Show, a daily podcast where he has now interviewed over 1300 experts providing cutting-edge tools and strategies of the syndication business. 

Whitney and his wife Chelsea are on a mission to help other families through the process of adoption.  They have personally endured the financial burdens that the process puts on families and have committed 50% of their profits to this goal, through his non-profit, Omnah Foundation.  Whitney and Chelsea have three children by adoption.

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