
Whitney Sewell
How A Rockstar VA Can Be Crucial to Capital Raising with Charlie Wessel
Part of running a syndication business is accomplishing many administrative tasks. And, one way that many entrepreneurs are addressing this is by hiring a virtual assistant or VA who can help them remotely. Today, our guest Charlie Wessel of Cordell Capital details how a rock start VA can help you with capital raising. A Guide...
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Earning Passive Income Through Syndication
One of the reasons why people are getting into real estate syndication is the opportunity to earn passive income. In this Highlights episode, we feature once again our conversations with Jens Nielsen of Open Doors Investing and Chad Hudson of Savoy Companies. They give nuggets on how you can start making passive income through syndication....
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Real estate development is a crucial process in the industry that creates value for the property. That’s why as an investor or syndicator, there is a need to have at least an idea of the processes of development. In today’s Highlight’s episode, we look back at our conversations with Edward Orasi, the market director at...
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As a leader, it is natural that you would want to be hands-on with everything about your business. But, to be an effective leader, you need to learn to hand control off. Today, we pick the brain of Devin Elder of DJE Texas Management Group, and he talks about building the dream team and processes...
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Have you ever heard about the “who not how” idea? It is about getting people that can help get things done for you so you can focus on the things that matter most and that is to grow your business. In this episode, JC Castillo of Velo Residential shares valuable tips on how you can...
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Coming out of the foreclosure crisis somewhere in 2008, Jorge Fajardo pivoted and started working towards his law degree and founded Keystone Property Investments. He got so intrigued by how investors could buy property after property and build large portfolios with the tools that he had at his disposal so he decided to make his...
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Investors should ensure an asset protection plan is in place before acquiring any piece of real estate. And, if you’re reading this with properties to your name but no plan in place, make these steps a priority to protect your hard work. Life Bridge Capital is a leading real estate syndication company. We offer our...
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In this day and time, very few survive without having an online presence. You almost wouldn’t have a business without your own brand. So, for our #TechandTacticsTuesday episode, Raphael Collazo shares with us how he has grown his brand very quickly. Watch the episode here: Listen to the podcast here: One of the key things...
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There are myths on commercial real estate investing that hinder some people to kick start their journey in the industry. Today, our guest Mike Sowers of Commercial Investors Group debunks these myths and gives valuable tips for you to succeed in the business. Watch the episode here: Listen to the podcast here: Mike lists three...
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Not only does real estate allow investors to stay ahead of inflation and make substantial passive income, but they keep more of the money they earn through several tax advantages. Cost segregation is one method for further maximizing profit via savvy tax maneuvers. Life Bridge Capital is a leading real estate syndication company. We offer...
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