
The legal side of the real estate business is often overlooked, and so we wanted to give some consideration to the protection that you and your company need to make sure you are covered. Joining us to unpack this important subject is Brian Bradley from Bradley Legal Corp, and he shares his considerable expertise on...
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Flipping a house is usually people’s first real taste of real estate investing. Tyler Jensen, today’s guest, is an expert flipper who has developed such an efficient system that he’s able to flip a house in just seven days. While this show usually focuses on syndication, Tyler’s insights on creating water-tight processes are valuable to...
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While one might think that the student housing industry took a huge blow when campuses were shut down and students sent home, this is not necessarily the case. Our guest today, Nick Simpson, is the founder and CEO of Simpson Building Enterprises, a real estate investment firm focused on student housing and multifamily. Even though...
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Today we have John Casmon back on the show to talk about the progress he has made and share some of his wisdom about raising capital, serving investors, and never giving up. John is an investor coach and host of the Market Insights: Multifamily + Marketing podcast who has helped his partners invest in $90...
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There are many different routes into the world of real estate investing and these can lead to passive and active deals, depending on your ambitions and cashflow. Here on the show today to talk about his transition from a purely passive portfolio to more active roles in investment properties is Matt Picheny from MJP Property...
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We have all seen the difficulties that the pandemic has brought, and real estate has not been spared these trying times. While the current moment is certainly challenging, true entrepreneurs can find opportunities no matter the obstacle. Today’s guest, Anthony Behar, joins us to talk about how changing a property’s use opens up a myriad...
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While many hold dreams of being wealthy, very few will get there. Of course, there are tangible obstacles that stand in people’s way, but a lot of the problem has to do with the way people think about money and wealth generally. Russ Morgan and Joey Mure, of Wealth Without Wall Street, join us to...
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When starting out in real estate, it can all feel very overwhelming with so much new information to take on board. While it is important to learn as much as possible, it is crucial to remain focused and not get continually chase shiny objects. This is where strategy comes in. Getting clear on your goals...
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Getting out of the cycle of overwork and discontent is one of the best opportunities afforded by the real estate game. Our guest today, David Ounanian, is such a great example of this, having given up his successful and profitable job in corporate America, in order to pursue a more rewarding and family-oriented lifestyle. We...
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Hiring is certainly one of the most difficult aspects of running your own business, but without the right team, you’re hard-pressed to succeed. Today’s guest, Scott Meyers, returns to the show, this time to expand on the lessons he has learned about finding the right people for his organization. Our gracious sponsor: Gene Trowbridge and...
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