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A key but often neglected aspect of syndication is maintenance. When a property is purchased, owners have a tendency to overspend on upgrades that add very little value to the property. Maintenance is not glamorous work and it’s important to look at the realities and work systematically through priority areas. This is not only to...
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We so often view failure as the opposite of success when in fact failure is part of success. Failing at something you have set out to do should not deter you from dusting yourself off and trying again. Instead, it should inspire you to take lessons you have learned and apply them to your next...
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House hacking is often overlooked as a means to get started in real estate investing, but it can be a great way to get your feet wet without overcommitting. You can opt-out and sell if you do not enjoy real estate or if the bug bites, you can use the house hack as a launch-pad...
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Some say that multifamily has become a victim of its own success and it can seem like the better the deal, the harder it is to come by. Those in the multifamily space are arguably deal junkies, who put a great deal of time into finding deals. When working this way, scouring hundreds of deals,...
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Today on the show, we welcome Paul Winterowd. Paul is a Director with Bonneville Multifamily Capital, based in Salt Lake City, and specializes in multifamily finance and debt solutions for investors and syndicators. As syndicators, we don’t always have the knowledge or the full understanding of the various debt solutions and strategies available to us....
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From a successful NFL career to one in real estate syndication, Brian Leonard joins us to talk us through this transition and how he carved out a niche for himself in the industry. Together with our other guest on the show, Anthony Scandariato, Brian founded Red Knight Properties, a boutique multi-family and mixed-use real estate...
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The short-term rental space is growing rapidly with many multifamily syndicators converting their properties into short-term stays. Managing the daily operations of short-term rental can seem daunting for most of us, but today’s guest, Tim Hubbard, has a different perspective. Tim is the founder and CEO of Midtown Stays, a short-term rental accommodation company that...
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Every deal is unique, which means that financing them cannot take a cookie-cutter approach. Not all deals immediately qualify for long-term permanent debt, calling for creative solutions. Our guest today, William Bronchick shares with us his extensive insights on creative financing. He uses several deals that he has worked on as examples to shed light...
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We would like to extend a warm welcome to Preston Walls, CEO of Walls Property Group, who is our guest for today’s show. Preston grew up in Seattle and learned the real estate game from his father who was a property developer. Once his dad retired in 2008, Preston went at it alone and now...
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Today, we welcome Angad Guglani to the show who shares with us the success of his company, Cooper Square Acquisition. Angad’s meteoric rise is unique for a few reasons. Not only is he only 24, with a rapidly expanding portfolio, but his distinct approach to scaling is different from most of the guests we have...
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