
WS456: Scaling Your Business Through Branding with Whitney Sewell

Recently, Whitney gave a presentation at a conference titled, ‘Scaling Your Business Through Branding,’ and after the positive reception he received from it, he thought he’d share it with the listeners today. Whitney has seen tremendous success with his podcast and has leveraged this thought leadership platform to scale his business in ways he could […]

WS454: Commercial Real Estate Cycle Reports with Glenn Mueller

Commercial real estate is a delayed mirror of the economy, and there is nobody better equipped to show exactly how than today’s guest, Glenn Mueller. Glenn is a professor at the University of Denver’s F.L. Burns School of Real Estate, and an investment strategist at Black Creek, who has been researching real estate cycles for […]

WS453: Handling a Nightmare Syndication Deal with Feras Moussa

Deals don’t always go smoothly. That’s just the reality of the syndication game. But it’s not all that often that we get operators talking about deals that go awry. While these difficult deals can put operators in vulnerable positions, they also serve as excellent lessons for future endeavors. Our Gracious Sponsor:  Gene Trowbridge and Jillian […]

WS451: From Broker to Private Equity with Drew Pearson

Working as a real estate broker can be a tough job. Many aspects are out of the broker’s control and if a prospective client decides to pull out of a deal, you could be in a vulnerable situation. It was this uncertainty that prompted our guest today, Drew Pearson, to transition from being a broker […]

WS450: Ground Up Multifamily Developments with Angelo Christian

It is no secret that multifamily deals are getting harder to come by. For some syndicators, this scarcity has caused them to reevaluate their investment criteria and lower their standards. While this may be one way to get around the competitive syndication landscape, it is not the only solution. Our guest today, Angelo Christian, has […]

WS448: Growing a Portfolio While Working Full-Time with Shiloh Lundahl

Having a full-time job while running a successful real estate portfolio is not easy. In fact, for many people, it’s one or the other. But today’s guest, Shiloh Lundahl, manages to pursue his fulfilling job alongside an ever-growing real estate investment portfolio. Shiloh’s introduction to real estate was an interesting one. He needed a way […]