Join us with our respected guest, Steve Olson. He offers a fresh viewpoint on Honolulu’s affordable housing issue. Steve brings attention to Bill Seven. It’s a game-changing law that fosters public-private collaborations in affordable housing.

The law enables developers to build six-story apartments. These are for individuals earning 80% or less of the area’s median income. It bypasses the need for city council approvals and public hearings. Plus, it offers a 10-year property tax exemption. Steve’s enthusiasm for this subject is evident. He stresses the critical demand for affordable housing in Honolulu.

Our conversation with Steve continues. He shares wisdom on task delegation and capitalizing on strengths. His insights come from personal experiences. He emphasizes knowing one’s strengths. Also, he speaks about identifying tasks that others can do more effectively.

Next, we delve into real estate as a tool for wealth accumulation. Steve talks about finding professionals for financial modeling and accounting. He also highlights hiring the best fit for specific roles. According to him, effective delegation is key.

We conclude by sharing Steve’s contact details. Listeners keen on engaging further with him can reach out. Remember to spread the word about the Real Estate Syndication Show. Keep an eye out for enlightening discussions!

Want to connect with Steve? Visit his website today! It’s full of information and offers a chance to interact with him. Don’t wait, start exploring now!

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About Steve Olson:

With his extensive experience, he has significantly contributed to the Fourplex Investment Group’s development, construction, and sale of over 4,000 doors across the Mountain West and Texas. He played a pivotal role in expanding the company into new markets and is currently spearheading a for-rent townhouse project in Indiana, taking advantage of a local property tax credit program. As a General Partner, he manages ground-up rental projects in three different states catering to international investors seeking to invest capital into the USA. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University and a Masters in Real Estate from Georgetown University. Residing in Alpine, UT with his wife and four children, he harbors a keen passion for travel.

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