Whether you are an investor, an entrepreneur, a professional, or a W2 employee looking into other sources of income, we are all in the business of earning money and finding ways to grow it. Many go into real estate investing to generate passive income while others invest in stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, all offering...Read More
Whether they play an active role or stay behind the scenes, your family plays a big role in the success of your business. But you know what they say in business – it’s lonely at the top. So, why not bring your family with you on your entrepreneurial journey? Why not create a happy home...Read More
As a real estate entrepreneur or an owner of any business, there’s a strong chance your brand is on social media. Because the more ways you can place your business in front of your target audience, the more you can build awareness and improve your business. But do you have a strong social media presence...Read More
Are you clear on what you want, why you want it, and how you will achieve it? Many things could derail you or your momentum if you don’t focus on what’s important and keep grabbing every opportunity that comes your way. You’ll get easily distracted by other things or “shiny objects” if your true purpose...Read More
Today our guest is Daniel Kwok. He had a goal of 20 doors by the end of the year. He reverse-engineered all the things that he had to do. So, instead of starting at where to find deals, Daniel started at closing and worked his way back. Our Gracious Sponsor Multifamily Investor Nation Convention Join...Read More
Multifamily properties are solid investments, given that they are tangible assets that offer better preservation of capital than most other investment assets. However, an accident or devastating weather is all it takes to turn your lucrative asset into a financial liability and a legal burden. Properties with more units, more tenants, and common amenities constantly...Read More
Oftentimes, your own personal limiting beliefs can stand in the way of you attaining success. For each of us, they are unique to our own situation but it is vital that you pivot your mindset, and start believing in yourself. Our guests today went from a full-time W2 job and took the leap of faith...Read More
The stigma around the syndication business probably stems from people who have never done real estate investing. Coming out from that negative view, Vinney Chopra – a multifamily syndicator with over 35 years of experience in real estate – breaks down the misconceptions surrounding it, believing that if done right, syndication is nothing short of...Read More
Raising private money from investors has been the bane of many syndicators. Because let’s face it, searching for a constant stream of interested inventors is no easy task. So, how can you sustain investor support and have a constant flow of capital for your deals? An excellent investor experience is key, says Brandon Cobb. Our...Read More