
While these challenging times have brought a great deal of uncertainty, but they have also ushered in a wave of new opportunities. Among these are the congressional amendments made to retirement saving accounts and the ability to withdraw from them. Damion Lupo, today’s guest, is here to walk us through how these modifications affect both...
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Cost segregation is an important part of any real estate investors’ wheelhouse, but many aspects of this strategy are widely misunderstood. Today’s guest, Frank Giudici, joins us to clear up some of the most common cost segregation misnomers. We kick off the show with Frank debunking the most widely-spread myth around cost segregation – that...
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Not all of our journeys into syndication take a linear path, and today’s guest Corinn Altomare has one of the most fascinating backgrounds we’ve yet to encounter. As a classically trained opera singer and project manager, Corinn is not your typical operator. We kick off the show by learning more about her transition from music...
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Many of us are in the syndication business to grow our wealth so that we can be financially free and support our families, but what about building a legacy? Today’s guest, Terry Moore, has helped many of his clients become millionaires through real estate syndication, and he has now dedicated himself to helping them leave...
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According to Ethan Lieber, co-founder, and CEO of Latchel, property managers can spend up to 40% of their time, just on the administration needed for maintenance. Imagine what else you could do with that time? Latchel wants to help you save both time and money maintenance, and in today’s episode, Ethan is going to explain...
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Making a career transition can be frightening because you may feel as though your skills do not translate into your newly chosen professional path. While the links between your old and new job are not always clear, your background will give you a unique vantage point in your latest venture. Today’s guests, Vikram Brar and...
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Decision-making is an incredibly important skill for real estate entrepreneurs to have. But with so much information, it can difficult to make decisions quickly. This is where data comes in. Not only can it help with making choices, but it can also reduce risk and increase operational efficiency. Brock Mogensen, our guest today, has spent...
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Starting any new venture is a hugely daunting experience. One of the most frightening aspects of it is the inevitable rejection you will face along the way. But persisting and pushing through these roadblocks is a large part of what will ultimately determine your success. Today’s guest, Stuart Gethner, joins us to share his insights...
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A lot of us begin to work in autopilot, losing focus of what drives us and what brought us to real estate investing in the first place. In this episode, we talk to Ryan Murdock about redefining your focus, reprioritizing your role, and dialing in on specific criteria to maintain focus and efficiency. Ryan spent...
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At times like these, nobody wants to be wasting capital so on today’s show we get to chat with Eric Kogan about sustainable practices to implement on properties that save money and translate into market value! Eric is an analyst at Ruttenberg Gordon Investments, a firm that owns 30,000 apartment units across the US and...
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