
WS600: Rejection Before Success with Stuart Gethner

Starting any new venture is a hugely daunting experience. One of the most frightening aspects of it is the inevitable rejection you will face along the way. But persisting and pushing through these roadblocks is a large part of what will ultimately determine your success. Today’s guest, Stuart Gethner, joins us to share his insights […]

WS599: Breaking the Bottleneck for Your Team with Ryan Murdock

A lot of us begin to work in autopilot, losing focus of what drives us and what brought us to real estate investing in the first place. In this episode, we talk to Ryan Murdock about redefining your focus, reprioritizing your role, and dialing in on specific criteria to maintain focus and efficiency. Ryan spent […]

WS595: Adding Value by Being Educated with Davide Pio

Learning is a life-long process, and it adds value both to you and those around you in numerous ways. This intellectual curiosity is a cornerstone to success, and our guest today, Davide Pio is a shining example of this. As an investment broker, Davide could have chosen to stick to a limited scope of knowledge. […]

WS594: Values-Based Investing with Jared Williams

We all want to grow our wealth for various reasons such as supporting our family or leaving a legacy for many generations. While investing is a great way to increase financial riches, when we invest in standard mutual funds, the industries our money goes into may not align with our values. This problem is one, […]