
Commercial Real Estate
Demand for apartments in the U.S. surged in 2024, absorbing 390,000 units over the past year, highlighting robust market strength despite a high influx of new supply. Despite stabilized national occupancy rates at 94.2%, rental rate growth remained modest due to substantial new apartment construction, signaling a balanced market poised for potential growth as supply...
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The Impact of Interest Rates on Property Valuation and the Positive Signals for Commercial Real Estate
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In today’s episode, we’ve gathered insightful highlights on marketing strategies within commercial real estate. Our guest, Kimberly Zar Bloorian, a marketing expert, explores why these companies often hesitate to adopt new strategies, emphasizing the crucial role of building visibility in the digital age. Additionally, we discuss the significance of relationships in the industry and how...
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Welcome back to the daily real estate syndication show. I’m your host, Whitney Sewell. In today’s episode, we spoke with Benjamin Spiegel, General Partner and Portfolio Manager at Redwood Capital Advisors. Ben highlighted the growing luxury RV destinations asset class, sharing eye-opening statistics that underscore its potential. He emphasized the changing landscape post-COVID, with millennials...
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In this highlight episode, we feature Larry Taylor, a seasoned real estate investor with over 50 years of experience. Larry shared his journey in the real estate industry, starting from a young age when he developed a passion for it. He emphasized the importance of following your passion and being in the right place at...
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