
Whitney Sewell
Although it’s not the most attractive part of being a real estate investor, we need to think about insurance. It is such a vital piece of the business, and you have to have an expert to partner with you. Drew Maconachy is a real estate insurance specialist, insuring thousands of units across the country through...
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Building single-family communities under multifamily ownership, doing more with the same business plan but increasing your impact, that’s what today’s guest is aiming for. After years of building a personal real estate portfolio composed of assets valued at 33 million, Derek Alexandrenko is now the Manager of the Hammerhead Build to Rent Fund, focusing on...
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Today on the show, Whitney goes through their recently completed hiring process. He recaps on a few previous episodes relevant to today’s topic, so be sure to check out episodes 800, 850, and 857. The hiring process can be a long, tedious, and sometimes detrimental experience without diligent questioning, the right documentation, and using your...
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Today’s guest doesn’t just build buildings, they are building communities and leaving the actual dollars from their projects behind in the local communities they touch. Dee Brown is the president and CEO of the P3 Group Incorporated, which specializes in delivering essential government facilities and infrastructure through the creation of public-private partnerships. Watch the episode...
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Our world is quickly turning to a technologically based one, where software platforms are becoming more integral in our daily lives and business. Our guest today is Nick McCullum. Nick is a software developer and real estate investor based in New Brunswick Canada. He helps run Passiv, which is a portfolio management software that allows...
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Community history; something you may not think about as you plan to develop an area. If you think of any community, everyone across social, economic, and racial spectrums, has contributed to the growth and development of the community. As a developer, it is crucial that you understand that communities have a history and a legacy....
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Our guest, Brian Hamrick, has lots of experience in the world of syndication, but the focus of today’s show is on funds, his latest venture. Although he generally prefers syndication, there are particular circumstances under which it makes more sense to go with a fund, and Brian passionately shares how you can successfully create your...
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Our guest on today’s episode is Chad Sutton. Chad is a managing partner, leading the acquisitions team of Quattro Capital, an investment firm focused on residential multi-family real estate. They specialize in properties such as apartment complexes, mobile home communities, and mixed-use commercial. Our gracious sponsor: Lionshare Bookkeeping believes the key to generating wealth is...
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The world was turned upside down in 2020 with the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Along with it, there have been changes all across the globe and, more specifically, in the real estate markets. From lenders to operators, to buyers, everyone had to adjust and restrategize as a result. Today’s guest is Anton Mattli, the...
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A prospective candidate questionnaire is an incredibly useful tool for you to use when you set out on the hiring journey. You will likely receive more applications than you know what to do with, so the questionnaire is a great way to streamline the selection process. You want A-players on your team and a rigorous...
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