
Whitney Sewell
Depending on their age and where they are in their career, investors have different tolerance levels for risk. Some investors need an option that offers, as Kevin Long calls it, “Safety, Security, and Stability.” Today we speak with Kevin about the unique and highly risk-tolerant investment model that he’s created for his company, Millcreek Commercial....
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Self-discipline, like everything else, is a practice. Today’s special guest is Tyler Saldutti, who believes that you can cultivate discipline and a company culture of collaboration, and create your own good luck through hard work. Tyler is the founder and CEO of Prime Realty, headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida. Originally from Chattem, North Carolina, Tyler has...
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The idea of scaling a real estate business can pose some serious challenges to investors and operators. One of the things that can make it more possible and natural is the automation and documentation of the processes of the business. Here to chat with us about these systems and how they can help you grow...
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Real estate asset management is essential to successful real estate investing. Most real estate investors do at least a minimal amount of asset management themselves, but larger entities and experienced investors may enlist an asset manager to handle their investment portfolios. Today, we’re talking to an investor and asset manager who has a very hands-on approach...
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The commercial real estate business has many different specialties. One of those specialized areas is the medical and healthcare sphere. Our guest on today’s show, together with the team at the Health-Pro Realty Group, has helped thousands of medical practitioners, each save hundreds of thousands on real estate deals. Our gracious sponsor: Adam Adams has...
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When you are thinking about becoming a limited partner on a deal, the best thing you can do for yourself is to learn how to underwrite properly. Our guest for today, Luc D’Abreau has some great tips in that department and he joins us today to share some of them as well as talk about...
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We often underline the importance of a community and the benefits of a strong network of associates and advisors for real estate investing. This is an idea that our guest, Karen Williams lives and works by. She is the co-founder of Global Investment Alliance, along with her husband, Peter, a previous guest on the show!...
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Today we are joined by CEO of BetterCapital Bobby Sharma and get to hear about how he has leveraged his gift for networking and technology expertise to excel in real estate. After immigrating to America in 1984, Bobby fell into real estate at age 24 when he got the idea to house hack a property...
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After landing deals and making money for your investors, you end up building a strong base of people who trust your financial decision-making. Today we speak with real estate financier Aaron Wolko about how you can use this base to begin investing in other asset classes and industries. We open our conversation by chatting about...
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Sometimes, one year can be all you need to find your break in real estate investing. Just ask Craig Curelop, today’s guest. In one year he read 60 books and rented out nearly everything he owned, including his car and even his room. With the money he saved he was able to purchase his second...
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