
WS566: Using Military Planning to Navigate Difficult Times with Scott Lewis

The syndication business, and real estate investing generally, tends to have a bias toward action. While the importance of acting fast and decisively cannot be understated, strategic planning often takes a backseat. Our guest today, Scott Lewis, takes a unique approach in his business, Spartan Investment Group (SIG), leveraging his military background to prioritize precise […]

WS564: Building a Software Platform That Modernizes and Democratizes Real Estate Syndication with Kevin Heras

Despite how fast the world of syndication is growing, there are still great technological gaps in the space. From communicating with investors to capital raising, operators often have numerous, disparate systems that can lead to bottlenecks at various stages of the syndication. These inefficiencies seriously hinder an operator’s ability to scale. Today’s guest, Kevin Heras, […]

WS563: The Six Things Billionaires Do with Dr. John Demartini

As we’ve said time and again, mindset matters. Regardless of how good a business plan or niche you may have, if your thoughts are not supporting you, it will be hard to reach your desired level of success. This, however, is far easier said than done. Luckily, today’s guest, Dr. John Demartini, a world-renowned human […]

WS561: Prequalification Serves Everyone with Juliet Clark

Growing your qualified leads and converting them to sales is the key to any successful business, especially right now. Yet, if you are like most people, you are noticing that it is getting harder and harder to do. This is because most lead generation software can’t distinguish between leads that convert and those that don’t, […]

WS559: Navigating the Effects of COVID-19 with Preston Walls

Many of us have become entrepreneurs because we enjoy finding solutions to problems. There is no better time to put this character trait to the test than during a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic, where hurdles continue to present themselves daily. Preston Walls, our guest today, is here to share some of the ways that […]

WS558: How To Thrive In Any Economy with Logan Freeman

In these unprecedented times, it is normal to feel a range of difficult emotions as the uncertainty of the current situation is hard to navigate. Rather than giving in to the overwhelm, our guest today, Logan Freeman, has used this time to work on his business and himself to set him up for long-term success. […]