Over the years, the relationship with local creditors has helped real estate investors in a big way. Lending is a big part of any business and it is a factor in whether you get to seal your real estate deal or not. Today we speak to Freddy Johnson and he tells us everything we need...Read More
During these trying times of a recession and a global health crisis, there are moments when you are unsure of what to do next. People get stuck in life, in career, or even with their business. In this episode, we speak to Jon Dwoskin and he shares what you can do when you feel that...Read More
In doing the real estate business, there are times when it is easy to overlook some processes to make your business a good one. But, for property management expert Ryan Wehner, due diligence is creating value for your clients and at the same time internal value for your team in your business as well. A...Read More
Are you working full-time now and you wanted to explore opportunities in the real estate market as an investor? If you think it is impossible to still be working full-time and also working in real estate, then you are wrong. There are a lot of people who started in real estate this way and there...Read More
Being a new entrepreneur can be challenging especially when you face the first downturns in your business. Just like in life, you need to be prepared to have ups and downs, wins and losses. In this episode, we talk about constructing your life to achieve success with entrepreneur and mindset and business coach Austin Linney....Read More
The world of taxation can be puzzling if you do not have the right person to handle it for your business. If you are an operator, chances are you have encountered some foreign investors who are interested in investing in US real estate. But, do you know how taxes are going to be imposed on...Read More
Closing a deal, especially now amid a pandemic, is a success in itself. But, for a Phoenix-based real estate investment firm, they were able to do an almost impossible – closing five off-market deals under a contract which are worth $110 million. In this episode, we speak to Zach Haptonstall, CEO, and co-founder of Rise...Read More
In any partnership, accountability plays a role for it to be successful. A business partnership is like marriage after all. You need to find someone who has similar values as you. Having an accountability partner means having the two of you accountable for doing everything to achieve success. Our gracious sponsor: A Cost Segregation Study...Read More
Syndication is a partnership between several investors wherein they pool their finances to be able to invest in properties or projects. For some investors, syndication is their way to begin their career in the industry. But, what if one syndicator or partner needs to exit the syndication for whatever reason? How can this be done?...Read More
One way to profit fast is to invest your money correctly. For some, it is by using their Individual Retirement Account or IRA to invest in different industries such as real estate. Today, we pick the brain of NuView’s Senior Business Development Representative Brian Martinez and find the ideal strategy for tax-free wealth. Watch the...Read More