
WS969: A Guide On How To Start A Podcast

To date, The Real Estate Syndication Show has produced over 1,000 podcasts. Every day, our team works together to produce the best daily podcast that we hope will add value to you as a real estate investor. A Guide to Passively Investing in Commercial Real Estate Get your free copy of “A Guide to Passively […]

WS965: Investing in Real Estate Through Agriculture | HIGHLIGHTS

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations says the Covid-19 pandemic is impacting global food systems, disrupting regional agricultural value chains, and posing risks to household food security. That is why investing in agriculture is important not only as a business but as a way to help ensure there is enough food for […]

How Technology Is Impacting Multifamily With Michael Parks

WS963: How Technology Is Impacting Multifamily With Michael Parks

Technology is simply defined as the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. It is helping many industries to cope with the demand of time and that includes real estate. Now, properties such as multifamily or apartment buildings need to use technology for security, leisure, and more. Some examples are the use of WiFi, applications […]