
WS574: What is a Digital Content Strategy? With Kris Reid

Most of our audience knows a little about a little bit about Search Engine Optimization (SEO), but how do you get your website in front of customers that are actively looking for your services? The answer? A digital content strategy. Today’s guest is Kris Reid, founder of Ardor SEO Services. He’s a software engineer from […]

WS573: Content Marketing While on Active Duty with David Pere

If you’re a military, public safety, or ‘blue-collar’ employee that’s eager to learn about Real Estate Investing, David Pere would like to show you how to improve your chances of financial freedom. After having success with Real Estate Investing (REI) himself, David started From Military to Millionaire to teach personal finance and REI to service […]

WS570: Why You Should Have a Podcast with Travis Chappell

Starting a podcast can be very daunting. You may feel like you don’t have much to contribute because you’re not an expert or maybe are overwhelmed by the choices of equipment. If these mental blocks are holding you back, then it’s time to let them go and start your podcast. Today’s guest, Travis Chappell, knows […]

WS569: 1000 Doors In The First Year with Monick Halm

When starting out in syndication, it is easy to get held back by limiting beliefs. This can either keep you out of the game entirely or keep you thinking small. Rather than succumbing to these mental roadblocks, it’s important to realize that if you take a few small steps in the right direction, they can […]

WS566: Using Military Planning to Navigate Difficult Times with Scott Lewis

The syndication business, and real estate investing generally, tends to have a bias toward action. While the importance of acting fast and decisively cannot be understated, strategic planning often takes a backseat. Our guest today, Scott Lewis, takes a unique approach in his business, Spartan Investment Group (SIG), leveraging his military background to prioritize precise […]

WS564: Building a Software Platform That Modernizes and Democratizes Real Estate Syndication with Kevin Heras

Despite how fast the world of syndication is growing, there are still great technological gaps in the space. From communicating with investors to capital raising, operators often have numerous, disparate systems that can lead to bottlenecks at various stages of the syndication. These inefficiencies seriously hinder an operator’s ability to scale. Today’s guest, Kevin Heras, […]