
Self-Storage as Recession and Event Resilient Industry with RK Kliebenstein

WS945: Turning Setbacks into Real Estate Successes

Whenever we hear a success story in real estate investing or in life in general, we often missed the part when a person faces setbacks first. We need to remember that failures are part of success. In this premiere episode of Highlights, we look back at our conversations with Stuart Gethner, Meghan Stafford, and Bo […]

Types of Apartment Buildings Investors Need to Know

Apartment buildings remain a popular investment for those hoping to make money on multifamily buildings, thanks to the regular stream of revenue provided by multiple tenants. When getting into the apartment building market, it’s important to understand that there are multiple types of apartment buildings to choose from. To help you decide which is the […]

How to Invest 100K in Real Estate

Real estate investment often seems like the exclusive purview of the ultra-wealthy, but there are many more opportunities available to investors than buying mountain homes or luxury skyscrapers. Investors with $100,000 can make meaningful moves within the industry to grow their wealth. Whether $100,000 is your entire investment budget, or only part of it, read […]

Multifamily Market Trends in 2021

Multifamily properties remain popular with investors due to the opportunity for passive income and the steady demand for housing for an ever-growing population. If you’re considering investing in multifamily properties, it’s important to understand the current market. Here are some top multifamily market trends you should be aware of in 2021 and beyond. Life Bridge […]