
WS1926 How To Invest During a Downturn | Liz Habib

In today’s episode, Chris Finlay, our guest host, conversed with Liz Habib, the head of communications at MPI Family Office. Liz shared her background in TV broadcasting and her transition to working with her family’s office, collaborating with other family offices and high-net-worth individuals for wealth and investment management. Key Takeaways: Luck and Preparation: Liz […]

WS1924 Navigating Real Estate Challenges | Highlights Tony Lopes & Marc Kuhn

In today’s episode, we’ve compiled highlights from recent shows, featuring incredible guests who shared entrepreneurial journeys, real estate insights, and valuable advice for investors. Tony Lopes, our first guest, shared his inspiring journey from a layoff to real estate success. Starting with a four-unit building, he emphasized the importance of starting small and scaling up […]

WS1925 Preferred Equity in Real Estate | Highlights Paul Moore

In this insightful episode, we reconnect with Paul Moore, the force behind Welling’s Capital and a long-time friend. He shares his journey from writing “The Perfect Investment” to recognizing the need for a robust acquisition strategy in multifamily investing. Paul details his team’s expansion into various asset classes like self-storage, mobile home parks, RV parks, […]

WS1923 Easily Invest in Online Business | Kyle Kuderewski

In this episode of the Real Estate Syndication Show, we were honored to host Kyle Kuderewski, operations manager at Webstreet. Our conversation delved into the fascinating realm of digital assets and their synergy with traditional real estate investments. Detailing his journey from engineer to investor, Kyle underscored his shift into the domain of online businesses. […]

WS1922 Avoiding Rookie Mistakes in Real Estate Investing | Steve Suh

In this episode of The Real Estate Syndication Show, guest host Jim Pfeifer, Founder & CEO of Left Field Investors, hosted Steve Suh, an experienced ophthalmologist and co-founder of Leftfield Investors. Steve, a seasoned passive investor in real estate syndications, shared insights from his 14-year journey, detailed in his Amazon bestselling book, “Avoiding Rookie Errors […]

WS1921 Capital Call Strategies | Aleksey Chernobelskiy

In this episode, we continued our insightful conversation with Aleksey Chernobelskiy, an expert advising both Limited Partners (LPs) and General Partners (GPs) on real estate investments. Aleksey, with an impressive background managing a $10 billion portfolio at Store Capital and offering invaluable advice, shared insights on the often daunting topic of capital calls. Capital calls, […]

WS1920 LP Investing Insights | Aleksey Chernobelskiy

Welcome back to the Real Estate Syndication Show! I’m Whitney Sewell, your host. Today, we had the pleasure of speaking with Aleksey Chernobelskiy, a seasoned advisor for Limited Partner (LP) investors in real estate syndication. Leveraging his experience managing Store Capital’s $10 billion commercial real estate portfolio and an impressive quadruple major from the University […]

WS1919 Applying Aerospace Engineering to Real Estate Investing | Jonathan Nichols

In this episode of the Real Estate Syndication Show, we had the pleasure of conversing with Jonathan Nichols, co-founder of Apogee Capital. With a unique aerospace engineering background, Jonathan’s skills have proven invaluable in real estate syndication, influencing his approach to underwriting and risk management. Key Takeaways: Listeners can explore more about Jonathan and Apogee […]

WS1918 Building a Successful Real Estate Team | Highlights Nic McGrue

In today’s highlight  episode, we feature Nic McGrue, the founder of Polymath Legal PC, a firm specializing in helping real estate investors lawfully raise capital. Nick shared invaluable insights into the importance of having a legal expert on your team, especially when navigating the complex and nuanced laws and regulations of raising capital for real […]

WS1917 From Airline Pilot to VP of Cardone Capital | Highlights Ryan Tseko

Welcome back to another episode of The Daily Real Estate Syndication Show. Today we’ve compiled an exciting highlight episode from our recent shows that I’m confident you’ll find informative and inspiring. Our  guest today was Ryan Tseko from Cardone Capital, who shared his incredible journey from being a commercial airline pilot to becoming an executive […]