
WS1994 From Ground Zero to Real Estate Hero | Highlights Grant Warrington

Thinking about diving into real estate syndication or boosting your property management game? Dive into our latest Real Estate Syndication Show episode. It’s full of insights from Grant Warrington, a savvy investor and property management expert. He shows how crucial a reliable local network is for efficient management. Here’s what you can learn: Follow Grant […]

WS1993 Managing The Up and Downs of The Real Estate Market | Gideon Pfeffer

Are You Facing Challenges in Today’s Real Estate Market? Learn How Leading Firms Adapt and Thrive. In this episode of the Real Estate Syndication Show, guest host Lance Pederson talks with industry leader Gideon Pfeffer, CEO of GSH Real Estate. Gideon shares his experience managing a multi-million dollar portfolio through a period of rising interest rates […]

WS1992 Maximizing Buying Power in Real Estate | Christopher Gill

Leveraging capital is a cornerstone of successful real estate investing, but traditional methods can be expensive and limit buying power. This episode of the Real Estate Syndication Show explores a revolutionary approach with Christopher Gill, founder of  FiTerra. Christopher emphasizes the importance of exploring niche real estate investment strategies.  Following the herd mentality can limit opportunities. The […]

WS1991 Navigating the Future Terrain of Land Investments | Travis King

Are you considering land flipping as an addition to your investment portfolio? This episode of the Daily Real Estate Syndication Show is packed with essential knowledge to help you excel in the dynamic land market. We’re excited to welcome Travis King, an expert land-flipper who boasts a successful history in 29 states. In this episode, […]

WS1990 Lands of Opportunity: Transforming Passion into Profitable Investments | Travis King

Is land investing a smart way to grow wealth? Dive into the lucrative field with Travis King on the Real Estate Syndication Show. As the brain behind Land Investing Mastery, King has flipped land in 29 states and executed countless deals with his partner, Becca. He’s also led over 1,300 coaching calls and a mastermind […]

WS1989 The Power of Personal Branding | Highlights Treva Graves

Are you struggling to stand out in a crowded real estate market?  Building a powerful personal brand can be the key to attracting clients, building trust, and ultimately achieving business success. In this episode of the Real Estate Syndication Show, we explore the importance of personal branding for real estate agents with industry expert Treva […]

WS1988 Financial Management For Real Estate Investing | Highlights Julian Vogel & Ted Rose

Are you interested in achieving higher returns through real estate syndication? Then you need to master the art of structuring your capital stack. In this information-packed episode of The  Real Estate Syndication Show, host Whitney Sewell chats with Julian Vogel, Fund Manager at Colonial Hills Capital, and Ted Rose from Rose Financial Solutions. Julian Vogel and […]

WS1987 How To Make Impactful Investments | Highlights Eric Most

Looking to maximize your exit strategy in real estate syndication while making a significant charitable contribution? This highlight episode of the Real Estate Syndication Show explores the powerful strategies that achieve both, with the added bonus of tax benefits! Eric Most from the National Christian Foundation reveals how you can maximize your real estate exit strategy […]

WS1986 The Investor’s Guide to Digital Assets | Highlights Steve Suh & Kyle Kuderewski

Welcome to the Real Estate Syndication Show! This episode explores broadening your investment portfolio with insights from expert guests Steve Suh & Kyle Kuderewski. We discuss diversifying investments through traditional real estate syndications and the emerging digital real estate market, including online businesses and SaaS platforms. They  highlight the significance of community, due diligence, and […]